Mrs. Walton’s Class This week in: We are learning: Reading: This week, we are focusing on getting to know each other and working on the 3 Rs- Ritual, Routine, and Relationships! I have selected specific trade books to read aloud and share with the students, to inspire discussion about our school day! Writing: The children will be learning about our writing process in Kindergarten. We will work on writing every day in Kindergarten. Math: In Kindergarten, we will engage in daily math instruction and math centers, which allow the children to explore math topics through hands-on practice. Religion: Religion will be a daily part of our Kindergarten classroom, through prayer, instruction, and weekly mass. *Please send a labeled water bottle to school with your child. *Please send 24 SHARPENED pencils (Dixon Ticonderoga brand preferred) to school with your child. I will be sending home a snack calendar. Each child will be assigned a day to provide snack for the class- 20 snacks. Important Reminders News Week of Aug. 21- Aug 25
KG ALL OF ME Janda Safe and Sound KG Part of Me Font Guide The fonts used in this download are KG ALL OF ME, Janda Safe and Sound, and KG Part of Me. You can download them for free at KG ALL OF ME Janda Safe and Sound KG Part of Me