Poetry Unseen Poetry – part 1 This presentation maps to the following 2010 GCSE specifications: AQA English Literature – Unit 2: Poetry Across Time; Unit 5: Exploring Poetry OCR English Literature – Unit A661: Literary Heritage Poetry OCR English Literature – Unit A664 Literary Heritage Prose and Contemporary Poetry Edexcel English Literature – Unit 2: Understanding Poetry (Poetry Anthology, Clashes and Collisions) AQA English – Unit 3a: Understanding Creative Texts (Literary Reading) – a text from the English Literary Heritage OCR English – Unit A641: Reading Literary Texts (Poetry) Edexcel English – Unit 3: Creative Responses (Poetry Anthology, Clashes and Collisions) WJEC English Literature – Unit 1B: Contemporary Poetry (a comparative study of two unseen poems) WJEC English Literature – Unit 3: Poetry and Drama (Controlled Assessment – Linked Texts) WJEC English – Unit 3: English in the World of the Imagination (Reading: Literary Texts: Literary Heritage Poetry and Shakespeare; Different Cultures Prose)
How many of the following terms can you define? Analysing poetry To be able to analyse a poem you need to make sure you can use the right terminology. How many of the following terms can you define? subject tone narrative simile alliteration iambic pentameter rhythm dialect metaphor repetition onomatopoeia imagery assonance sonnet dramatic monologue stanza rhyme scheme Free verse Teacher’s note: This is by no means an exhaustive list and students may be able to add to this. It is the basic vocabulary they will need for this presentation. For the correct definitions of these terms, please see the ‘Key poetry terms’ activity in Comparing_Poems_part_1.ppt.
Subject and theme Teacher’s note: This slide allows students to start to engage with the ideas and topics in a poem, but you may wish to study this poem in greater depth. Worksheet One accompanies this slide and contains the full text of the Owen poem ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’. Extension activity: You could extend this activity by setting the students the following question: Explain the effect of Owen’s choice of language in his poem ‘Dulce Et Decorum Est’. You could also use a hot-seating activity by asking students to appear in role as Owen, explaining what the poem is about and why he wrote it. Functional Skills: This activity covers the following Functional Skills standards: Reading Level 2 – Select and use different types of texts to obtain relevant information; Reading Level 2 – Detect point of view, implicit meaning and/or bias. Photo: © FLariviere, Shutterstock.com
Attitudes and feelings Functional Skills: This activity covers the following Functional Skills standards: Reading Level 2 – Select and use different types of texts to obtain relevant information; Reading Level 2 – Detect point of view, implicit meaning and/or bias. Photo: © 2010 Photos.com