P&S and ASPR Enhancements Melissa Tata Holli Pheil – SPC Chair Cathy Pieronek – SPC Chair-elect Sept 21, 2010
Desired Outcomes Approve updated P&S form and selected FY11 P&S to evaluate Approve leveraging same P&S form for strategic initiative ideas submissions and process to call for submissions Decide if we want to add a question on P&S relative member importance to membership survey
P&S Goal of P&S template update Understand full impact of program in terms of labor resources (inc. staff) and # members affected Add more specifics on cost and revenue generation of programs Distribute template for people to submit “potential strategic initiative” ideas with some quantification Goal: more member understanding of how we can invest in our future Goal: potentially more engagement if members want to participate in driving their ideas Allow one template for proposed and current programs Review strategic initiative ideas as part of P&S assessment to drive more consideration of programs to discontinue if they’re not as beneficial as some of the new ideas Likely very few proposals for 2010 due to aggressive timeline Ideally we will publish a prioritized list of the strategic initiatives submitted
Potential Strategic Initiative Idea Members, The Strategic Planning committee would like to get your ideas for new or improved programs and services that could help enable our 4 strategic objectives (below). If you have ideas, please complete the attached program/service template so we better understand the requirements and benefits. Send your completed template to holli.pheil@swe.org Increase the impact of outreach activities by training an minimum of 1000 members on messaging to all STEM stakeholders Offer quality o f professional development programs for all career stages and sectors as measured by program survey results Increase the number of discussions on SWE’s position papers with industry, government, and academic influencers by 20% Improve the SWE membership and leadership profile to reflect the demographics of women in engineering and technology Distribution Can we do this in parallel with mega issues? Can we send out the strategic initiative ideas template in next LT news?
Programs & Services to Assess 2010 Any recommended changes to this list? Archives Website SASS_E Girlz AWE Virtual Professional development (webinars/podcasts) Smith program Specialist to Strategist and Directing Innovation Executive Summit Collegiate Leadership Coaching Leadership Development Process (inc. training) Career Services Conference (faculty advisor & collegiate president discount) Scholarships Merchandise Affinity Programs
ASPR Add question to membership survey to have more data on member priorities to use in budgeting process Goal: evaluate which services members are willing to pay for and/or value the most and provide members more visibility to all services we offer Add questions to survey on each program and service SWE offers Next step: distribute same question to other potential members to see what they would pay to have or what would make them want to become a member Supplemental option is to use data from conference registration where registrants select reason/interest for conference Action: need someone to compile descriptions. When will the survey go out and can we add this question this year?
Draft Survey Question – to be rewritten by marketing Please rank the relative importance of these SWE programs to you with 1 being the most important. Please also indicate if you knew SWE had this program and if you’ve participated in it. If we were to charge more for services/programs than general membership, which services would you be willing to pay for and how much? PROGRAM/ SERVICE PROGRAM/ SERVICE SUMMARY IMPORTANCE TO YOU (1-xx) KNOW ABOUT OR PARTICIPATED IN HOW MUCH WOULD YOU PAY FOR THIS ($0-$25) Outreach collateral materials Supplies for outreach events Career services Online portal for members and companies to post resumes and job openings SWE magazine - print 5 issues per year SWE magazine - digital Executive summit 3 Senate-approved white papers used to sign onto ~10 letters per year and lead D&I caucus Scholarship $xx budget to distribute scholarships annually Diversity & inclusion Leadership training to augment the pipeline