What Is Emotional Intelligence (EI)? EI is “an array of non-cognitive capabilities, competencies, and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environmental demands & pressures” Bar-On (1997) EI is the ability to identify, assess & control the emotions of oneself, others, & groups so as to handle oneself & others more effectively
Some Evidence of Success of EI? Strong links between EQ & business outcomes: Sales performance (Met Life) Recruitment (US Air Force) Team work (EI improves cohesion/performance) Conflict resolution Negotiation outcomes Communication effectiveness
EI Behaviour Cognitive Mind Emotional Mind Felt vs Expressed Emotions/ From Feeling to Action: ROLE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
EI: THE 5 CRUCIAL COMPETENCIES Strong, Healthy and Effective Relationships The driving purpose of emotional intelligence and life in general! Effective Relationship Empathy Social - Motivation Self - Regulation Self - Awareness
“And so there’s a real pay-off. The people who will become the leaders, the people who will become the star performers, are the ones who have the strengths in the key emotional intelligence abilities.” Daniel Goleman, Ph.D. Founder, Emotional Intelligence Services Dr. R. F. Harshberger - 10/30-31/07
Creating Effective Relationships: Employ all your emotional competencies – awareness, regulation, motivation, & empathy to: Influence & persuade others Build consensus to support team goals Motivate/inspire yourself & others to achieve those goals Dr. R. F. Harshberger - 10/30-31/07