All Saints Stibbard Friends Newsletter . All Saints Stibbard Friends Newsletter Summer/leavers disco and BBQ Friday 30th June Mission statement: To raise fund for All Saints Stibbard Church of England School to supplement curricular and extra-curricular activities. New for this year we are having a Summer/leavers disco and a BBQ which all parents are welcome to attend. We hope it will prove a real social event and be yearly date for the diary. As a farewell gift to our Year 6’s, we are offering them free entry into the disco and a free photo from the photo booth. We hope to see you there and welcome parents to come along and have a hotdog or burger while the children dance the night away. Hello! It’s hard to believe that we are in the final half term of the year, it seems to have gone so quickly! We wanted to start this Newsletter by saying a big thank you to all of you that have supported our events or raffles this year. We have managed to raise £1738 to date and for those of you that came along to Sports day will have seen the new sun shelters in action. As well as asking Mrs Batcock and her leadership team what we can help provide for the school, we are also asking the children via the school council, the governors and you, the parents, via a survey coming out soon. The Book People – if you buy books this summer why not use the Book People. Go to and enter our school code which is y1pFArX. We get 10% commission to spend on school books. Can you help? Tombola prizes We shall be running a non uniform day on Fri 30th June and are asking for a prize to go into the Tombola at the summer fete. PreLoved Stall We shall be running a preloved stall and are looking for donations of good condition preloved toys, children’s clothes and uniform. Please hand in any donations to the school office. Any donations that don’t sell will be given to charity. Volunteers for Summer Fete We really need helpers to man stalls, cook cakes, help set up and tidy up. Even if you can only do an hour or so it all helps. Please let the office know if you can help out along with contact details so we can get in touch. Thanks Summer Fete – Saturday 15th July Back with a bang is our annual summer fete. Back are the fun games, tombola, hog roast and bouncy obstacle course and castle. We’ll also have a craft market, an ice cream van and a preloved toy and clothes stall. We are also running 2 competitions for the children: The Annual Stibbard School Bake off. Design a Thank You card. For details on both see the Summer Fete leaflet which shall come home shortly. This year we have been lucky enough to have been donated many fantastic prizes from local businesses including: A Snettisham family pass £10 Hungry Horse voucher 2 Sealife centre passes Splash family swim A cake voucher from Pink Partridge cake company NEWSFLASH – for all you NCFC fans out there Aviva have kindly donated a signed football which we shall be auctioning off too Keep in touch Like our page on Facebook Check out our newly refurbished notice board at school (it’s next to the year 3 classroom)