WELCOME! Local grant webinar Thank you for joining us today We will begin our webinar at 30 minutes after the hour As you log on, do not be surprised if you do not hear anyone else, participants are placed on mute to limit background noise
Objectives for the Webinar: Review National CASA guiding principles and 2017-18 annual grants policy Learn about the local grant category, the criteria and eligibility requirements Discuss the 2017 grant application materials and timeline Understand the application review process Identify points of contact and period for technical assistance Answer your questions
Guiding Principles Fund our strategy Allocate funding with greater impact Position ourselves for funding increase Manage more effectively and efficiently Increase accountability
Grant funding will support Enabling Focus Areas Alignment to our Strategic Framework Grant funding will support Enabling Focus Areas
2017-18 Grants Policy
2017-18 Grants Policy Summary National CASA Association will sub-award up to $1 million to local programs in two sub-categories for 2017-18: Rural/Tribal and Urban/Suburban An applicant should select the local program category that corresponds with the categorical description self-reported in the program’s completed 2016 National CASA annual survey. The grant cycle for the Local categories begins January 1, 2018 and ends December 31, 2018.
Local Grant Category Eligibility, Criteria, Projected Awards and Timeline
local Grants In alignment with the National CASA Association strategic framework, these grant categories are designed to build strong support to local CASA/GAL programs and state CASA/GAL organizations that directly serve children who have experienced abuse and neglect. Purpose: Grant opportunity is for projects and activities that will increase the number of abused and neglected children served by volunteers beyond prior years’ levels during the grant period.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Local Grant Category: Full Member in good standing with the National CASA Association Current paid membership for 2017* Completion of the 2016 annual survey & 6-month reports Compliance with National CASA Association Standards *Any questions regarding membership status should be directed to memberservices@casaforchildren.org Successful performance on any current and previous National CASA grants Priority may be given to programs that have not been funded by National CASA within the last three years (2015, 2016 & 2017)
CRITERIA Grant applications must: Include projects and activities that will result in an increased number of children served and meet the funding goal requirements noted for the award amount requested. Provide measurable goals, objectives and timelines that support achievement of the proposed outcomes. Include a letter of support from the state organization, where one exists. Provide a financial sustainability plan inclusive of required components.
CRITERIA Grant applications must: Include an organizational chart. Address recruiting and retaining a diverse network of volunteers in the local communities. (Diversity plan, if applicable). Provide an audit/monitoring corrective action plan, if applicable.
Local grant AWARDS Grant Period: 1/1/18 through 12/31/18 Award Limits: up to $75,000 Volunteer/Child Requirements: based upon award amounts Up to $500,000 will be awarded to Rural/Tribal programs and up to $500,000 will be awarded to Urban/Suburban programs
Volunteer/Child Award Requirements Funding Goal Requirements # of New Volunteer Advocates Activated (i.e., assigned to a case) # of Additional Children to be Served (i.e., assigned a CASA/GAL volunteer) $10,000 Request 8 19 $20,000 Request 15 37 $30,000 Request 23 56 $40,000 Request 30 75 $50,000 Request 38 95 $60,000 Request 46 114 $70,000 Request 53 132 $75,000 Request 58 144
AWARD Decisions are based on Ability to expand number of volunteers activated and children served during the grant period and extent of need Strong project plan with measureable goals, objectives, activities and timelines Grant budget that directly relates to the proposed activities Demonstration of strong financial sustainability plan Demonstration of past performance with National CASA grants, if applicable. Priority may be given to programs that have not received a National CASA grant in the last three years (2015, 2016, or 2017)
GRANT AWARD CONDITIONS Submit monthly expense reports Submit quarterly new volunteers assigned and children served counts Submit semi-annual narrative reports Take part in regularly scheduled calls with designated National CASA Association staff if so selected (frequency to be determined) Take part in desks audits and/or onsite monitoring
GRANT TIMELINE Applications released for local programs – October 2, 2017 Grant Webinar Training – October 11, 2017 (recording of webinar and Q&A document to be posted on Grants page) Application Technical Assistance Period – Open thru October 24, 2017 Grant Applications due – October 31, 2017 - 5pm PST Announcement of Awards – NLT November 30, 2017 Grant Period – January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018
Application FORMAT National CASA Grant Application has 12 distinct sections: Summary Sheet Program Information Organizational Information Project Need Project Approach Project Management Evaluation Sustainability Grant Budget Narrative Grant Budget Summary Program Reporting Current Budget
Application attachments Application attachments have to be combined into one PDF file. Letter of support from the State Organization. Financial sustainability plan inclusive of Addendum A-1 components Organizational chart Diversity plan, if applicable due to demographics Audit/monitoring corrective action plan, if applicable Additional staff list, if applicable
Summary sheet Page 1 consists of: Category Amount requested Project abstract Authorized Representative and Title
Program information Pages 2 – 5 consist of: Applicant information Additional information Staff list Program statistics Court/judicial statistics Financial statistics Explanation of reserves in excess of $200,000 Explanation of staff/statistical information on pages 2-5 (optional)
organizational information Pages 6 – 7 consist of: Significant Organizational Events Population and area served Governing body
Project need Pages 8 - 9 consist of: Process used to assess need for the proposed project Governing body involved in assessing the need for the proposed project How is the proposed project supported by your strategic plan. If strategic plan is not in place describe your planning process for setting future goals
Project approach Pages 10 - 12 consist of: Goals, objectives, activities and timeline Grant-funded staff positions Hiring of consultants, if applicable Activities of plan to promote effective and culturally sensitive services
Project management Page 13 consists of: Key staff Project oversight and reporting
evaluation Sustainability Page 14 consists of: Page 15 consists of: Project evaluation, data collection and analysis Sustainability Page 15 consists of: Long term strategies for funding the activities after grant period
Grant budget narrative Pages 16 - 19 consist of: Grant Budget Narrative Personnel Salaries Taxes/Benefits Travel Printing/Copying Supplies Equipment Rent/Utilities Other
Grant budget summary Page 20 consists of: Grant Budget Summary
Unallowable Grant Costs Advertising* Bad Debts Bonuses Capital Improvements Commissions Contingencies Contributions and donations Entertainment Fines, Penalties and Interest Food and Beverages Fundraising Incorporation Costs In-person meetings (except trainings) Lobbying Pre-award costs Recognition events and items Social activities Staff serving cases
Ineligible expense (2017-18) *Advertising: Applications that include advertising of any type, paid or in-kind through traditional or nontraditional media to include television, radio, newspaper and other printed publications, outdoor/billboards and online are ineligible expenses for this grant. Expenses for other forms of public relations may be eligible (e.g., website development, social media campaign).
Program reporting Pages 21 - 22 consist of: National CASA grants received in the last three years Grant reports filed on time Grant goals met Grant project sustained External audit/grant monitoring, any findings Audit opinions other than qualified (clean) Audit findings or corrective actions (if Yes, findings or CAP required)
Current budget Page 23 consists of: Revenue Expenses Net Change
Application scoring Sections Headings / Application Page References Point Value Summary Sheet & Program Information / Pages 1-5 5 Organizational Information / Pages 6-7 10 Project Need / Pages 8-9 20 Project Approach / Pages 10-12 Project Management / Page 13 15 Evaluation and Sustainability / Pages 14-15 Grant Budget Narrative & Summary / Pages 16-20 Program Reporting / Pages 21-22 Current Budget / Page 23 TOTAL POINTS 100
Tips to preparing a complete, quality application Completely answer all questions Provide unique answers to each question; do not duplicate responses List staff positions by job title, not personnel names Ensure grant amount requested on Page 1 matches grant budget summary total Show formula/calculation for grant budget amounts Submit all required applicable attachments in a single pdf Be sure to use the latest version of Adobe available
Application Review Process Applications will be reviewed by individuals with knowledge of the CASA/GAL network: National CASA Staff Reviews will be conducted based on standardized criteria as outlined in the grant application and instructions Potential reviewers with a conflict of interest will be excluded
Application Review Process Applications that will not make it to the review process (i.e., ineligible for funding): Not submitted by 5pm PST on October 31, 2017 Ineligible to apply for specific category Applicant not in good standing Missing any required attachments in single pdf Amount requested is above maximum Files other than application/requested attachments submitted
Contact Information Grant Application or Process Inquiries: Email: Grants@casaforchildren.org Membership Questions: Email: MemberServices@casaforchildren.org
Technical assistance Recording of webinars will be posted on National CASA’s grants webpage Question and Answer (Q&A) document will be posted Application technical assistance available thru October 24 Technical assistance with submission/upload available through October 31 however all applications & attachments must be received by 5pm PT; emailed applications will not be accepted
Office of Juvenile justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Disclaimer Points of view or opinions expressed in this webinar are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of OJJDP or the U.S. Department of Justice.