Runway Safety Action in Australia Merv Fowler National Towers Manager Airservices Australia 13 September 2005 Template Last Updated: 3 June 2005
Perth Sweeper runway Incursion – 18 June 2001
Perth Sweep runway Incursion – 18 June 2001
definitely ruin your day…” “An incursion will definitely ruin your day…” (picture taken through the mirror of a ground vehicle while doing a Rwy Inspection)
Cold Facts Australian Runway Incursions are increasing
Australian Runway Incursions 2002 - Total 82 2003 – Total 121 2004 – Total 158 2005 – Total 104 (to June 2005)
484 runway incursion specific ESIRs The Data is derived from: 484 runway incursion specific ESIRs Results from previous six years to August 2004 Combined total of 793 causal factors
Combined effort to reduce frequency of runway incursions Local Airports ATC Pilots Airside personnel Signage and surveillance Vehicle on Aerodrome control frequency Airport Infrastructure Aerodrome Mandatory Instruction Signs (AMIS) Aerodrome Information Signs (AIS)
Airport Changes Marking, Lighting, Signage and Runway guard lights. Stop bars Formal driver training programs Communications training and assessment Runway inspections opposite direction to movements Works in progress Adequate dissemination Signage Develop Runway Safety Actions Teams Hot Spot Maps
Runway Incursion Group (RIG) Established in 2003 Monitors all Runway Incursion incident reports to establish trends Development of Hotspot maps for all controlled airports within Australia Assists airports in the setup of runway safety teams Assists airports in conducting airfield safety surveys Development and distribution of feedback forms both aircrew and airside drivers Standardisation of ATC Displays
Perth Airport 1 incursion occurred on the intersection TWY D and RWY 21/03 1 incursion occurred on the intersection TWY J and RWY 24/09 1 incursion occurred at the intersection TWY B and RWY 11/29 16% of the incursions occurred on the intersection RWY 21 and RWY 24 This TWY used to be RWY 11/29 24% of the incursions occurred near RWY 21/03 and RWY 24/06 25 incidents from 01.01.2000 until 31.05.2005 24% of runway incursions were actually cars/workers on/near the runway. 20% of the incursions occurred at the threshold 56% of the incursions occurred at intersections 20% of the incursions occurred on threshold RWY 21 2 incursions occurred on the intersection TWY D and RWY 24/09 12% of the incursions occurred at the intersection TWY S and RWY24/09
Agreed to participate in the survey forms Runway Safety Teams Teams comprise of airport owners, local aviation community, Airservices Australia, and/or service providers Established or agreed to be established at all airports that have been surveyed Positive outcomes and commitment from airports to improve airport signage and markings Agreed to participate in the survey forms
Copies of Tower Strip displays 16R / 34L RUNWAY 16R / 34L OCCUPIED 04 / 22 RUNWAY 04 / 22 OCCUPIED
Runway Safety Survey Form – Template
Runway Incursion Survey Template ESIR 2005 2988 AS - Sydney Survey Forms Runway Incursion Survey Template ESIR 2005 2988 AS - Sydney Sydney Runway Incursion Feedback Form 2988 – Completed ESIR 2005 0578 AS - Sydney Sydney Runway Incursion Feedback Form 0578 - Completed
ERSA Hotspot Map (Cairns, QLD) 17 March 2005
Interaction with CASA for the development of Generic Runway Safety Posters
Interaction with CASA for the development of Generic Runway Safety Posters
Interaction with CASA for the development of Generic Runway Safety Posters
Think about it! An accident can happen even to the most experienced…