2nd Grade News October 2016 October Curriculum Highlights SCIENCE Students will continue to observe and make predictions while conducting scientific investigations. SOL 2.1 Investigate and understand animal habitats, living and non living surroundings, and habitat changes over time SOL 2.5 SOCIAL STUDIES Students will develop map skills by locating the equator, seven continents and the five oceans on maps and globes. SOL 2.5. Demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map legend, and compass rose SOL 2.6. MATH Students will recall addition facts with sums to 20 or less and their related subtraction fact SOL 2.5. Read, write and identify the place value of each digit in a three digit numeral using models SOL 2.1 a Round two digit numbers to the nearest ten SOL 2.1b LANGUAGE ARTS Students will continue to apply feature knowledge in word study. Students will continue to use phonetic strategies when reading, spelling, and writing SOL 2.5 Read orally with fluency SOL 2.8j Generate ideas and writing topics. SOL 2.12a Use oral communication to participate in a group SOL 2.3a Important Upcoming Dates Oct. 7 First Friday Food Donation Oct 10 Columbus Day- No School Oct 11 Moveable Monday Oct. 13 Second Grade Field Trip Oct, 20 Picture Make Up Day Oct. 20 6:00pm PEP meeting Oct 28 Jamestown Presentations in Second Grade Classrooms Oct. 28 6pm PTA Spooky Bingo Soon a list of supplies needed for the school STEM Lab will be sent home. If you are able to donate, please do. STEM involves scientific activities that promote problem solving, math, engineering and technology skills. On Thursday October 13 we will be going on our field trip to Great Country Farms in Bluemont, Va. Second graders will be engaged in fun activities that will complement our science curriculum. If you have not already returned the form and payment, please do so now . Conference Days I am looking forward to meeting with you for parent-teacher conferences. This is an important time to discuss ways to continue this years’ successes and answer questions you might have. For those parents who have yet to sign up for a time, you will be contacted soon. Second Graders will soon launch a One To The World idea with Project Based Learning activities that focus on honoring our Veterans.