Gas System Commissioning S. Haider PH / DT1
Outline “Pre”-commissioning Installation Commissioning Tests in lab Gas racks Leak test Functional tests Software tests Functionality and consistency checks Installation Done by DT1/GS By IT/CO By Experiments Commissioning Checks of Piping Connectivity ( cables + SW objects ) Tune parameters of system Module level Gas system level Fill the detector Hand-over to experiments 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
“Pre”-commissioning Functional test of gas racks Software test Rule #1: “Whatever leaves our labs is 100% tested and in working order! “ Functional test of gas racks Helium Leak test We test all valves, pressure sensors, flow-meters, pumps, heaters, etc. Control interface is either tested with the gas rack or with I/O simulators (LEDs, 4-20mA signals etc.) Software test Purely done in IT/CO lab with PLC and PVSS, BUT without gas hardware connected Checks that all objects, alarms, interlocks etc are working correctly 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Installation PH/DT1/GS IT/CO Experiments 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Installation (responsibilities) PH/DT1/GS Racks are transported to experimental sites and put in place “Area” piping and cabling IT/CO Prepares PLC and PVSS application Experiments Connect fixed-pipe installation to racks Install detector internal piping (including chamber connections) + connect them to distribution rack “Inter-Area” piping and cables (pipe and cable lists have been transmitted to the experiments) 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Installation (continued) PLC PVSS Ethernet SG UX Installation (continued) control Mixer Exhaust Purifier US/ Plug Detector pipes Pipes CAN 24V valve Pneum. lines Multicore cables Profibus reference Supply Pipes (TS/LEA) UX Distr 1 UX Distr 2 UX Distr 3 UX Distr 4 Valve island Experiment control Pump Distribution 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Commissioning (1/3) Starts when all infrastructure of a given module is in place All pipes connected All cables connected Control interface operational PLC + PVSS operational Check of cables Field busses : check that all nodes are visible Check of all cables necessary for the module 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Commissioning (2/3) Connectivity: Perform I/O test with control interface: Each module will have test-procedures. Anybody can perform the tests. Check that Software objects are connected to the correct Hardware objects ( time consuming ! ) Fill test protocol for MTF 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Commissioning (3/3) Tuning: Filling the detector with Module level: Adjust all parameters of a module: e.g. mixture ratio, pressure regulation settings, alarm levels etc. Test most important interlocks: e.g chamber pressure security. Gas system level: Adjust parameters for start-up procedures Run procedure, Fill procedure, Purge procedure Filling the detector with either purge or operation gas-mixture (detector dependent) 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Timing (DT1/GS) “Pre”-commissioning in lab Functional test + leak test: ~3 days / rack Installation: ~4 days / rack Put rack in place Connect to piping Installation of cables connectors Commissioning I/O test (connectivity) Distribution (except MDT) : ~0.5 day / rack MDT distribution rack: ~1 day / rack Other modules: ~0.7 day / module Tuning All modules: ~1 day / system Gas system procedures : ~1 day / system 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Commissioning (preliminary estimates June 05) 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1
Conclusions During commissioning phase, we request manpower help from the experiments : ATLAS 53 m-days CMS 33 m-days ALICE 40 m-days LHCb 31 m-days (*) some weeks before commissioning starts 24/6/2005 Detector Steering Meeting S.Haider PH/DT1