Ruthless Romans Autumn Term 2016 LEARNING GUIDE FOR YEAR 4 English Texts Romulus and Remus Roman Roads Pinocchio Diary writing Myths and Legends Instructions Persuasive Letter Adventure Story Narrative Poems RE Change the world Harvest and Sukkot Christmas God with us Science States of matter – solids, liquids and gasses Rocks Computer Science Creating Educational games Internet safety and copyrighting History and Geography Romans Roman Food Army and invasion Boudicca Location of the Roman Empire Volcanoes Pompeii and mount Vesuvius Location of the world’s most famous volcanoes Land settlement Ruthless Romans Autumn Term 2016 Mathematics Place Value Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 Addition and subtraction Multiplication and Division 12 X 12 Times tables and their division facts Fractions Decimals Measurement – calculating and converting mm, cm, m and km Measurement – area and perimeter Geometry – comparing and classifying angles Statistics Read, write and convert time between 12 and 25 hour. Solve problems using different units of time Art and Design Creating a Mosaic. Designing a Roman catapult French Counting to 30 Months of the year and seasons School signs and classroom objects Christmas in England and France Music Exploring Performance Exploring Composition PSHE New Beginnings Healthy Eating Hopes and Dreams Physical Education Swimming
ST. ANN’S C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NURSERY CENTRE SCHOOL ADDRESS Lathom Avenue Warrington WA2 8AL SCHOOL TELEPHONE 01925 632210 Email – Web site – Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is unable to come to school for any reason. SCHOOL INFORMATION School HOURS 8.55am – 3.15pm HEAD TEACHER Mrs K. Keen CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Mrs Janet Lazarus YEAR 4 TEAM Class Teacher Miss Highton Teaching Assistants Mrs Maitland Mrs Gaskell SCHOOL DATES School starts back – Monday 5th September 2016 Holidays Half term- Finish on Friday 14th October – Back in school on Monday 31st October. Christmas holidays - Finish on Wednesday 21st December – Back in school on Tuesday 3rd January 2017. REGULAR EVENTS DURING THE WEEK Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday- PE - Please bring PE bags into school & Swimming kits for Autumn term Friday- Celebration assembly 9:15am in school hall MyMaths homework set for following week THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR CHILD AT HOME Go to bed at a reasonable time. Have breakfast each day Listen to your child read and talk to them about what the book is about. Encourage your child to speak confidently in a sentence. Help your children to learn their spellings Learn their times tables (as multiplication and division facts) and read each evening for at least a few minutes. Remember to ask if you have any queries. CULTURAL PATHWAY Author – Anne Fine Composer – Edvard Grieg Artist – Thomas C. Fedro Poet – Michael Rosen SCHOOL VISITS Visit to Grosvenor Museum Chester Friday 16th September 2016