Overview of Emissions Processing for the 2002 Base Case CMAQ Modeling Urban, Regional Modeling and Analysis Section Division of Air Resources New York State Department of Environmental Conservation November 16, 2005
Emission Inventories MANE-VU: Version 1 (February 2005) CENRAP: obtained from the CENRAP website (January/February 2005) MRPO: IDA-formatted MRPO “BaseI” area source inventory obtained through J. Vukovich (April 2005) VISTAS, WRAP, MRPO (area, nonroad, mobile,point): obtained from VISTAS (“BaseD”) (January 2005) Canada: 2000 area/nonroad/mobile inventory downloaded from EPA, 2002 point source inventory created in-house from NPRI Mexico: Obtained from the EPA CAIR modeling data base
Emissions Processing SMOKE2.1 was used to process CMAQ ready emissions for the 36 km and 12 km modeling domain for the CB-4 mechanism BEIS3.12 was used to process biogenic emissions For May – September, summer emission factors were utilized For the remaining months, the switch between summer and winter emission factors was determined by the day of the last/first frost in the MM5 files Auxiliary files (gridding, temporal allocation, speciation) were used as supplied by the RPOs
Mobile Source Processing Used MOBILE6 driven through SMOKE to calculate on-road mobile source emissions for all regions except Canada and Mexico For the MANE-VU states, day-specific MM5 temperatures were used to calculate emission factors and emissions for May – September, monthly average temperatures were used for the other months For all other states, monthly-average MM5 temperatures were used to calculate emission factors and emissions
EGU Point Source Processing For the MANE-VU states, no hour-specific or day-specific CEM emissions were utilized; however, the state-specific temporal profiles based on 2002 CEM data developed by VISTAS were applied For the CENRAP states, 2002 specific hourly CEM data was supplied and was intended to be utilized For VISTAS, WRAP, and MRPO, VISTAS-developed “typical-year” hourly CEM data was used. However, these “typical-year” emissions were based on multi-year averages for the VISTAS states only, for the other regions, they reflect actual 2002 CEM data
Point Source Processing Cont. For Canada, an effort was made to develop a more up-to-date point source inventory. We obtained the 2002 NPRI data from Environment Canada’s website and “assembled” it in-house to create a SMOKE-ready input file. The only caveat was that NPRI data is facility level information while SMOKE required process level. Thus, we had to subjectively assign SCC codes based on the facilities SIC code for each emission record. We felt this was a better option than using 20 year old data.
Issues to be Addressed in Possible Revised Base Case Modeling MRPO emissions (with the exception of area sources) were obtained from the VISTAS BaseD inventory and were based on NEI numbers rather than MRPO-generated emissions. In the meantime, MRPO BaseI and BaseJ emissions in IDA format have become available There now is a version 2 of the MANE-VU 2002 emission inventory with the possibility of an upcoming version 3 2002 VMT numbers for Massachusetts were found to be in error. While state-total numbers are close, apparently mistakes were made in the distribution of these VMT by county, resulting in a significantly higher number of VMT for the greater Boston area than intended. Updates to NY VOC emissions For all CENRAP states except Arkansas, temporally-allocated annual total rather than CEM-based hourly EGU emissions were inadvertently used for quarter 3 during SMOKE modeling. An error was made in preparing the SMOKE list file for quarter 3 (July, August, September) by listing the quarter 2 instead of quarter 3 files for all states except Arkansas. VISTAS has updated their emission inventory from BaseD to BaseF. However, these data are not yet available in IDA format. Most of the updates from BaseD to BaseF occurred outside of the VISTAS states (i.e. an incorporation of MRPO BaseI/BaseJ emissions instead of the previous NEI-based numbers), but some updates were made for the VISTAS states as well. Use of MANE-VU specific EGU temporal profiles developed by NJDEP? Others?