Become e-Visible or Vanish A Choice Confronting Researchers in the 21st Century Adeniyi Olagunju, PhD Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Seminar Series (23 February 2017)
Your Online Presence What does online presence mean to you? Why does it matter? An online presence is any existence of an individual or business that can be found via an online search.
Why it Matters 70% of internet users have searched for information about other people ( Will they find you online? Who controls what they find about you? EVERYONE has an online presence! 7/10 people who use the internet have searched for information about others. Current and potential employers can Google you to see what they can find. 86% of hiring managers have rejected candidates based on online information.. (From:
Conferences Discussions Curation Profiles Chat Content Blog Journals Your Online Presence Conferences Curation Discussions Chat Profiles Content Blog Journals
Conferences Discussions Curation Profiles Chat Content Blog Journals Your Online Presence Conferences Curation Discussions Chat Profiles Content Blog Journals
CV Network Impact Available Tools Broad categories of online tools and service that could be useful in building an online presence
CV Network Impact Available Tools Google scholar LinkedIn Orchid Pubfacts ResearchGate Tools that you can use to measure your impact online: Web of Science Scopus ImpactStory
CV Network Impact Available Tools Google scholar LinkedIn Orchid Pubfacts ResearchGate Facebook (?) LinkedIn Mendeley ResearchGate Twitter Tools that you can use to measure your impact online: Web of Science Scopus ImpactStory
CV Network Impact Available Tools Google scholar LinkedIn Orchid Pubfacts ResearchGate Facebook (?) LinkedIn Mendeley ResearchGate Twitter Google Analytics ImpactStory Pubfacts Publons ResearchGate Scopus Web of Science
Available Tools Article on >100 digital tools for researchers available at Look under <SEMINARS>
How to Enhance Your Online Presence Build an Online Image Project the image of yourself online that best represents you professionally Showcase What You Have Highlight your talents, outputs and achievements Network With Others Build up a (academic) network Comment, connect and contribute Use Online Presence Barometer What: Be aware of what is online about you Who: Know who is looking for you online Where: Know where they are searching from Your online presence can be used to project your image online, showcase your talents and outputs, help you build your network and act as a type of ‘reputation barometer’
Available Tools to Enhance Your Online Presence
Search for yourself on What do you see? Search for yourself on What do you see? Google Scholar helps you to create an online profile that can be made public, so that it may appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name. Simple & effective way for authors to keep track of citations to their articles. You can check who is citing your publications, graph citations over time, and compute several citation metrics. Quick to set up and simple to maintain - even if you have written hundreds of articles, and even if your name is shared by several different scholars. How do you create a Google scholar profile? Are you happy with it? Is it up to date? Does it showcase you and your research? Is it personal or professional? Could it be improved? How? You can add groups of related articles, not just one article at a time; and your citation metrics are computed and updated automatically as Google Scholar finds new citations to your work on the web. You can choose to have your list of articles updated automatically or review the updates yourself, or to manually update your articles at any time. You can add groups of related articles, not just one article at a time; and your citation metrics are computed and updated automatically as Google Scholar finds new citations to your work on the web. You can choose to have your list of articles updated automatically or review the updates yourself, or to manually update your articles at any time. First, sign to your Google account. Use a personal account, not an account at your employer, so that you can keep your profile for as long as you wish. Next, the sign up form will ask you to confirm the spelling of your name, and to enter your affiliation, interests, etc. Enter your institutional email address for your profile to be eligible for inclusion in Google Scholar search results. On the next page, you'll see groups of articles written by people with names similar to yours. Select your articles and add them to your profile. Next choose what to do when the article data changes in Google Scholar: automatic updates or review beforehand. You can always make changes. Finally, you will see your profile. Finishing touches: upload a professional looking photo, verify your institutional email address, double check the list of articles, and, once you're completely satisfied, make your profile public. Done! It's now eligible to appear in Google Scholar when someone searches for your name!
What information can you add to your OAU Scholars website? What information can you add to your OAU Scholars website? Bio (including CV) Publications Research interests Ongoing projects Grants Classes Announcements (e.g. studentships) Events (e.g. seminars) INTECU training materials available > SEMINARS What information can you add to your OAU Scholars website?
Getting started with OAU Scholars Getting started with OAU Scholars A website has been created for every academic in OAU. Go to and search with your last name. Default layout, just your name, department, a couple of empty pages. How do you change this to suit your needs?
Create a research focused professional profile; Create a research focused professional profile; Share your work from start to finish (projects, full-text articles?); Assess & engage with other researchers’ work; Connect and collaborate; Know who’s interested in your work and from where; Keep track of your citations & know your professional impact using a composite metric; Link with OAU Scholar website. Getting started with researchGate? Getting more out of researchGate profile: Keep it up-to-date: employment history, awards, etc; Add ongoing projetcs; Promptly respond to requests for full-text articles.
ORCID = Open Researcher and Contributor ID; ORCID = Open Researcher and Contributor ID; Provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher; Integrates your profiles in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission systems; Supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities; Ensures that your work is recognized. Publons works with the world's top publishers so you can effortlessly track, verify and showcase your peer review contributions across the world's journals; It helps to speed up science and research and give the experts involved in peer review the recognition they deserve; Publons is a perfect way to keep a validated track-record of contributions as a reviewer; This is a great way to keep my reviewer activity organised and documented for academic documents like CV and promotion applications.
Larger user base gives more opportunity to connect with others; Very popular and similar to ResearchGate, but lacks the exclusive research professionals focus of ResearchGate Larger user base gives more opportunity to connect with others; Online profile: qualifications, employment, publications, awards, certifications, etc; Send requests to people you have met in professional contexts, e.g. conferences; Good way to follow up with someone you’ll like to keep in touch with; A guide for researchers on how to get the best out of LinkedIn is available at >SEMINARS.
OA cost < £1000 - >£5000 Who pays? Authors Institution Funder New OA models In the scientific sphere, the term “Open Access” refers to unrestricted and cost-free access to scientific information on the Internet. Accordingly, users should have the right not only to read a publication, but also to distribute it to a wider circle and to make use of it, for instance for the purposes of teaching. The original author must, of course, always be credited. See the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities 2003.
How to Enhance Your Online Presence Build an Online Image Project the image of yourself online that best represents you professionally Showcase What You Have Highlight your talents, outputs and achievements Network With Others Build up a (academic) network Comment, connect and contribute Use Online Presence Barometer What: Be aware of what is online about you Who: Know who is looking for you online Where: Know where they are searching from
Use Online Presence Barometer What: Be aware of what is online about you Regular Google searches On-going Google alerts of your name Who: Know who is looking for you online ResearchGate LinkedIn Where: Know where they are searching from (e.g. geo, links) Google Analytics A combination of these help you to measure your digital footprint and may suggest what works and what doesn’t To check what is already online about you & monitor your presence: You can search yourself on Google – see what results come up in the top 10, the top 20, as far back as you want to look. If you do these searches regularly, you can see how the results change over time. You can automate this somewhat by also setting up Google alerts for your name so you’ll get an email when your name is mentioned, say, on a blog. Both of these help you to measure your digital footprint.
Use Online Presence Barometer – Google Analytics
General Tips Keep your profiles accurate, tidy and up to date. Create links between profiles. If you are no longer using an online profile, consider closing or deleting it. Add new qualifications, projects, research interests, publications & awards as they come up. Add contents that will attract and engage the right viewers. Examples: full- text articles, thesis, ongoing projects, funding opportunities. If you’re not 100% confident about how something will be perceived, don’t post it. Be online smart! Know your privacy settings. Copyright: only use it if you own it or have permission to. Start a visibility improvement plan (VIP) today!
So how do you choose: 1. To be e-Visible? 2. Or …