Research Study Patsy D. Lewis Teacher Cadet Program Research Study Patsy D. Lewis
Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate how being in the Teacher Cadet Program influenced participants. You have been invited to participate because you were in the Teacher Cadet Program during high school, or you were support personnel such as a supervising teacher.
Participation Participation in the study is voluntary and 187 participants have been recruited for this study. Participation in the study will require 2 hours and 15 minutes of your time, and you will finish with the study by December 2012.
Procedures You may attend a meeting at the White County Middle School where you will complete a survey about your experiences in Teacher Cadet. OR You may complete the survey on line and send it to me through this website.
Procedures You will have to sign a form for Georgia State University, which gives me permission to use your information in the study. After I have your survey and signed consent form, I will create an interview group to use to set up a one hour interview about your responses.
Benefits Participation in this study may not benefit you personally. Overall, I hope to gain information about the influences of the Teacher Cadet Program on participants. This will benefit society because it has never been researched.
Withdrawal Participation in research is voluntary. You can agree to be in the study and change your mind. You can drop out at any time. You will not lose any benefits to which are otherwise entitled if you decide to withdraw.
Confidentiality I will keep your records private. Only I will access to your information. I will use a pseudonym rather than your name on study records. Your name and other facts that might point to you will not appear when I present this study and publish its results.
Audio Tapes Audio tapes will be stored in a private locked cabinet The audio tapes will be destroyed two years after the study is completed You will be asked not to discuss facts share during the group interview outside of the interview.
Contact Information You can contact me at 706-973-9703 or You can contact Susan Vogtner in the Georgia State University Office of Research Integrity at 404-413-3513 or if you want to talk to someone who is not part of the study team.