Walk-in Copy the agenda for this week. Take out notebook, folder, pencil box, agenda. Put away backpack. Copy the agenda for this week.
How are living things different from non-living things? Walk-in Take out notebook, folder, pencil box, agenda. Put away backpack. Copy the question and answer in the back of your notebook: How are living things different from non-living things?
answers Consider how living things are different based on their need or ability to eat, drink, move, reproduce themselves, and more!
Welcome back!
How to earn liveschool points? LiveSchool points awarded daily for things like: On time Prepared for class Stay on task Follow directions Listen actively Respect yourself and others Explore new learning
During whole group lessons What things can we do to make learning positive for everyone? One speaker at a time Listen respectfully Raise your hand to add something to the discussion, or to introduce an new thought.
During activities, labs, computer use What can you do to show you are actively learning? Follow directions Use materials responsibly Clean up completely Treat partners or group members with respect Listen to everyone’s ideas and input
Walk-in routine What items need to be taken out EVERY DAY? Notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda. What else do you need to do? Put away your backpack, and start the walk-in activity. What will happen if you are still unpacking, and/or talking, or are not ready within 1-2 minutes of the bell going? You will lose 30 Liveschool points
pack-up routine When do you pack up? When you are told to by Mrs. Ryan, usually 1-2 minutes before the bell. What will happen if you start to pack up early? You will lose 20 Liveschool points. Where do you wait when you have finished packing up? Stay at your table. Who dismisses you, the bell or the teacher? The teacher will tell you when it’s okay to go.
Review the super skills Class-Yes Five classroom rules Teach-Okay Scoreboard Mirror Hands, and Mirror Gestures Switch
consequences If you get a time-out in this classroom, what will happen? Lose 30 Liveschool points, parents could be contacted. What happens if you are sent to refocus in someone else’s classroom? Fill out the Refocus form online. Three refocuses from any class = timeouts in ISI, parents contacted each time. What happens if you get three ISI timeouts? You are in ISI for the whole day, and have to have meeting with parents, administrators, teachers and counselors. What does defiance mean? Refusing to stop something when you are told to. What is a conduct referral? An adult submits your name to the principal because you were being defiant or did something very serious.
Keeping our classroom clean You may be asked to use the carpet sweeper, broom or mop if your work space has a mess to be cleaned. You could earn a LiveSchool point for Keeping Your Work Space Clean.
Next super improver goal If we meet our class goal and earn 50 scoreboard points by Nov. 2 , we will have a special science activity… … it involves CANDY!
New table groups Each person should say their name to the others. On one side of your half-sheet of paper, Have each person write their name. List one thing in the classroom that starts with the letter of each person’s name. On the back, make an acrostic poem using the first letters of your names.
example If Rex, Minnie Mouse, Wheezy and Atta were in the same group, they would Write their names. List something in the room that starts with the first letter in their names. Example – for Minnie Mouse – microscope Acrostic poem on the back: R – Really love to watch Netflix! M – Must go to football practice twice a week! W – Wonderful at playing the violin! A – Artist who loves to paint and draw!
Four corners To share about your Fall Break, listen to the four options, choose ONE to go to, and follow directions once you are there. Went to a movie Got together with a friend Went out of town Got extra time to sleep or play games/watch TV/etc.