Murugesan Raju 1 ;Puttur Santhoshkumar 1 ;K. Krishna Sharma 1, 2 ; Lens Endogenous Peptide #cod#x003B1;A66-80 Generates Hydrogen Peroxide and Induces Cell Apoptosis Murugesan Raju 1 ;Puttur Santhoshkumar 1 ;K. Krishna Sharma 1, 2 ; 1 Departments of Ophthalmology and ; 2 Biochemistry, University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia, MO65212, USA ; Figure 3. #cod#x003B1;A66-80 peptide--induced cell apoptosis and caspase-3. Peptide-induced cell apoptosis was assessed in the presence and absence of #cod#x003B1;A66-80 peptide or proline-substituted peptide #cod#x003B1;A66-80 pro. A-C and G TUNEL assay, in which the blue stain shows intact nucleus and the red stain indicates fragmented DNA inside the nucleus indicating cell apoptosis. D-F and H Caspase-3 assay, in which the blue stain shows the nucleus and the green stain shows cleaved caspase-3 antibody reactivity. Note that most of the green stain is in the cytoplasmic region. I Effect of catalase on Cos-7 cells treated with #cod#x003B1;A66-80 peptide. Cos-7 cells were cultured and treated as described under methods. Cells were stained with livedead cell staining according to the EarlyTox livedead cell potocol using Spectra Max i3 plate reader. #cod#x003B1;A66-80 10#cod#x000B5;g; Catalase 500 units and #cod#x003B1;A66-8010#cod#x000B5;g +Catalase 500 units The result shown are the avarage of three independent experiments. Aging and Disease,null,8(1),57-70. Doi:10.14336/AD.2016.0805