British Literature: Day 9 The Canterbury Tales introduction via PowerPoint completed Review characterization, both direct and indirect (link on Moodle) Read from The Canterbury Tales Prologue: Lines 19-43: Introduction p. 94-95 Sets the scene The Pardoner: lines 665-710 p. 110-11 Introduces The Pardoner, who rides with The Summoner, another church employee who summons people to ecclesiastical court for wrongdoings. Link on Moodle about buying pardons (indulgences) for more info The Wife of Bath: lines 455-486 p. 105-6 Middle class, but upper class attitude; “expert” in love Discuss and assign Modern Day Canterbury Tales, due block Homework: Read from “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” p. 125-138 and fill out reading guide for Wife’s Tale. Reading guide for both Pardoner and Wife due on Friday
Learning Targets Students will learn how characterization impacts the reader’s understanding of a character and author’s message, as well as how Medieval society is reflected in an author’s work.
Direct Characterization The author DIRECTLY tells us about the qualities of the character’s personality. The knight is described, on p. 96, lines 70-74: “And though so much distinguished, he was wise/ and in his bearing modest as a maid. He never yet a boorish (crude; bad mannered) thing had said/ In all his life to any, come what might;/ He was a true, a perfect gentle-knight.” These are things we cannot see from a character’s personality. We can only learn these things if directly told.
Indirect Characterization The author INDIRECTLY tells us about the qualities of the character’s personality. The writer reveals a character through their words (speech), thoughts, and actions, as well as through what other characters think and say about that character. The Summoner is described, on p. 110, lines 639-664: “His face on fire, like a cherubin,/ For he had carbuncles. His eyes were narrow,/ He was as hot and lecherous as a sparrow./ Black and scabby brows he had, and a thin beard./ Children were afraid when he appeared…Garlic he loved, and onions too, and leeks,/ And drinking strong read wine till all was hazy.” These are things we can observe…how the character speaks, his appearance, how others react to him. If you ran into this guy on the street, would you want to stop and chat? What kind of character does he seem to be?