Outline and First Paragraph Research Paper Outline and First Paragraph
Where to begin your outline? Start with your thesis.
Although Beowulf names Wiglaf his successor before he dies at the end of the epic, the reader sadly realizes that Wiglaf will be unable to match Beowulf’s heroic status. His family background His courage His strength His generosity/concern for others His leadership His legacy
Strong women in Chaucer’s life Physical description Although during the Middle Ages women were often treated as second-class citizens, Geoffrey Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales creates very memorable female characters. With both The Wife of Bath and The Prioress, Chaucer describes assertive and domineering women who defy the expectations of his readers. Strong women in Chaucer’s life Physical description Occupation (weaver/ nun) Control over men Defiance of expectations/breaking the rules Contrasted with male characters The start of feminist literature?
A. Avoid greed: “The Pardoner’s Tale” Teaching morality through stories is a time-honored practice. From Aesop’s fables through the parables of the Bible to the morality plays of the Middle Ages, writers use stories to reinforce society’s values. In his Canterbury Tales, Chaucer enforces morals through “The Pardoner’s Tale,” “The Physician’s Tale,” and “The Reeve’s Tale.” A literary tradition Morals A. Avoid greed: “The Pardoner’s Tale” B. Live and die honorably” “The Physician’s Tale” C. Control Lust” “The Reeve’s Tale” III. Other morals (sins) touched on in the C.T.