The Canterbury Tales By Geoffrey Chaucer.


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Presentation transcript:

The Canterbury Tales By Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) Father of English Poetry Son of a merchant, page in the royal house, soldier, diplomat, & royal clerk Chaucer intended to write 124 tales, but only completed 24 at the time of his death.

Chaucer’s Tales He began writing in 1378. The tales were written in Middle English. Although easier to read in translation, the poetry has lost some of its beautiful rhythm and rhyme. Considered the national epic of England and a snapshot of medieval life

Chaucer’s England Chaucer’s medieval London had some 40,000 people in its city, until the Black Death swept it just after Chaucer’s birth. Not far from the London Bridge stood the chapel devoted to Saint Thomas-á-Becket and the Tabard Inn in Southwark.

Pilgrimage a sacred, holy journey ideal literary device for Chaucer to assemble a gallery of some of the most interesting and exotic people in England pilgrims visit the shrine of St. Thomas á Beckett, a famous English martyr

Characterization: Direct and Indirect Characterization is the act of creating and developing the personality of a character. Direct Characterization uses direct statements about a character. (e.g. She was kind.) Indirect Characterization reveals personality through actions, thoughts, and words. (e.g. She carried the elderly man’s bags for him.)

Reading Between the Lines Sarcasm: a cutting, often ironic remark. Irony: the opposite of what is expected. Satire: attacking human foolishness with irony, derision, or wit. Symbolism: objects or people who represent something.

Physiognomy: the science of judging a person’s temperament and character based on anatomy, such as an exaggeration of facial features (i.e. thin nose=fraudulent; bad skin=lecherous) descriptions of clothing also symbolize what lies beneath. Seem crazy? Can you think of contemporary examples?

Social Order Chaucer created literature for all classes using satire to ease various social tensions: Black Death causes peasants to gain leverage. Beginning of the end of the feudal system. Nobles resent peasants. Peasants revolt.

Social Classes Aristocrats: Knight & Squire Clergymen: Prioress, Monk, Friar, Nun’s Priest, Parson, Summoner, & Pardoner Middle Class: Merchant, Cleric, Sergant-at-Law, Franklin, Reeve, Doctor, Wife of Bath, & narrator Trade Class: Guildsmen, Skipper, Manciple, Cook, & host Peasant Class: Miller, Plowman, & Yeoman

The Message… Although times and circumstances may change, Human Nature seems to remain the same. The Canterbury Tales is an honest record of real lives and experiences-- distinguished by Chaucer’s humanity, his humor, and fascination with ordinary people.