Welcome! Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Liuzza Room 102 Email: croberts@steddy.org Best way to get in touch—email! You can also call school until 4:30, or at home if needed. 888-6353 / 885-7252 If I haven’t gotten back to you in 2 or 3 days, please get back in touch with me! Your email or phone message may have slipped off my radar.
A little bit of information about Mrs. Roberts: Graduated from Southern Miss with a degree in deaf education Certified to teach PreK students through 5th grade and the deaf K-12 Taught 3 years at New Orleans Oral School and this is my tenth year at St. Edward (my fifth year in first grade) Three children attend St. Edward, and I attended as well A little bit of information about Mrs. Liuzza: Experienced assistant—been here for 17 years in first grade Attended Southeastern University Married for 45 years! I have three children who attended St. Edward, made it through Catholic high schools, and graduated from college Four wonderful grandchildren
A few quick housekeeping items: Make sure you’re getting email alerts through Headmaster (should be from “St. Edward the Confessor”). My website has weekly information. Our crisis management plan is in effect if we need to use it. If we need to evacuate to a nearby school, it will be Bridgedale or St. Martin’s. Cameras at gates, doors, and playgrounds. One door in and out—office. Use it to get your volunteer badge when coming to school. Please review your handbook online because there are additions, clarifications, and changes this year. Safe Environment class at St. Edward September 2oth. No one can attend playground duty or activities in school or field trips off campus with school children unless completed safe environment training, including background check and computer part of training. Speak to Mrs. Ginny Walters in parish office if any questions.
A few similarities to Kindergarten: We use Positive Reinforcing Behavior Management Stickers for all-green-week Good notes Phone calls or emails If necessary, negative consequences are used: tag changes I always warn them first, sometimes twice Mrs. Liuzza still stuffs folders, marks behavior daily until students are ready to take care of their own things Sign homework sheet and return next day; clear out anything on “take home” side, sign anything on “bring back” side and keep in folder Allowed to bring to school: kleenex, non-medicated lip balm; Not allowed: medications, personal hand sanitizer 1. Walking the aisles looking for kids who: Following class rules Materials out Finishing their work Correcting their work Right books out, on the correct page, ready Following directions Working together Looking for anyone needing assistance Please mark envelopes with name and reason; wouldn’t hurt to talk to kids about what’s in folder, unpack with them, pack it with them and explain We go over all homework so child should not need much help unless for minor reading assistance; encouraging children to try on their own FIRST and then get help. Refrain from doing it for them or fixing their mistakes (unless getting all wrong). Instead ask for reason why answer, or read that out loud and make sure it’s the one you want. Classwork notices, field trip or parent conference letters, D/F papers—sign and return ASAP. Will stay on Bring Back until do. Lunch $ envelopes stay, study guides, h/w sheets stay here
A few differences from Kindergarten: Sitting in desks, get books out on own No homework packet—use books or worksheets Papers stay in the workbooks Lunch is 35 minutes LATER. No Writing to Read—Centers instead Holiday treats are comparable for classes Tests Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math count for a grade in January Behavior colors added -- blue and purple Star Reader Caught Being Goods—positive reinforcement when kids have 5 CBG, trade in for prizes or candies Cookies—whole group reinforcement, rewards are real cookies won’t talk about curriculum—all goes home, can look at books now or then, welcome to ask questions anytime—different subjects go over same material to reinforce (spelling short vowels, phonics, reading; English contractions, phonics, reading, spelling Please don’t do any pages in workbooks unless specified—if says to study and page not done, send a note but don’t do it at home Centers is twice a week, games or group work to reinforce what we’ve learned Speak to room moms if want to donate anything to ensure other class has comparable items Study guides are given for most tests or page ranges; practice tests are given for most except reading and religion tests, tests made from practice pages and work books so nothing is “unseen”; Teacher reads tests for all; reading tests, teacher quits after first 6-7 weeks or so for reading tests. Handwriting graded on spelling tests More will be sent home in December about AR/AM but we will practice taking those quizzes during first semester, and you can access those scores any time on HomeConnect (when it’s accessible through school website, will let you know) First graders have added responsibilities so added colors; if chronic, we need to talk; don’t always tell kids at that second of tag change, but when see color change, children are encouraged to ask so they know what to tell you when they go home We keep track of books read through Star Reader, library books at school or books at home. Not for a grade, though rewarded for most books read every 9 weeks. For fun to encourage reading! Yes, we take donations of class treats! Also kleenex, Germ-X, paper towels, wipes
We want them ready for second grade where there are no aides. They will eventually take out homework or important papers from their folders, and put papers inside before going home. They will take care of their own belongings.
So what do you do? Check their folder with them. Help them pack up night before. Check my website together. Check that homework and seatwork brought home is complete. Art homework is online and in the sketchpad. You know your child, but trust what they say until proven wrong. You are welcome to call me to verify anything! Expect and accept their best! Encourage them to try things on their own! Pencil case should have crayons, eraser, and at least 3-5 sharpened pencils and 2 red pencils—we check our own work! Will send note when you need to replenish unless we have your supplies here (you can take the extras home or we’ll keep them). Folders, pencil cases, tablet paper, uniforms—at parish office Student of Week and Birthdays posted, getting away from paper notes so reminders and schedule will be here. No need to have them fix every mistake in homework, but make sure all done. 6. I don’t help to spell! “Try it out!” or “Solve your problem!” and “Do the right thing!” are my mottos. If someone bothers them, I always tell them to talk to that person and tell them what is wrong—an adult doesn’t always need to solve the problem, so I let them try it first.
102 101 Both first grade classes are always on the same page. We teach the same thing at the same pace. We do the same fun events together (holiday projects, field trips). 101 102
Thank you for coming! Questions? This will be on my website if you think you missed something!