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GCPS District Wide Special Education Meeting August 2017
Introduction of New Staff
Building Assignments Christina Mahoney- GHS, Abingdon Megan Connelly-Grothaus- Peasley, Botetourt Tina Edwards-Petsworth, Bethel Sarah Summers- Achilles, Page
Building Assignments Jennifer Tingley- Fran Goforth- Achilles, Bethel, Page, Private Day Fran Goforth- GHS, Initial Pre-school New Coordinator- (TBD) Abingdon, Botetout, Petsworth, Peasley
CELEBRATE!!! Virginia has 17 indicators for SWD Measures student outcomes and compliance Designation – “meets requirements” – highest ranking All GCPS schools are accredited!
SWD Scores- Reading GCPS= 45% State= 45% GCPS= 41% State=46% GCPS=41 %
SWD Scores- Writing GCPS= 33% State= 39% GCPS= 29% State=40% GCPS= 31%
SWD Scores-Math GCPS= 46% State= 48% GCPS= 45% State=49% GCPS=47%
SWD Scores-Science GCPS= 54% State= 51% GCPS= 56% State=53% GCPS=53%
SWD Scores- History GCPS= 55% State= 59% GCPS= 60% State=60% GCPS=58%
Data Observations Turn to your partner and discuss your observations What’s good? What needs improvement? Ideas to improve?
ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act Five principles: Reduces Washington’s authority over school decisions and gives it back to the states and local districts. States must give standardized tests every year and report the results to the public including specific sub-groups like English Language Learners. States must have challenging academic standards, but Washington cannot dictate the standards.
ESSA School accountability systems must include non-academic measures like chronic absenteeism, in addition to statistics list test scores and graduation rates. Requires states to intervene in their lowest- performing schools.
ESSA Designates 2016-17 as a transition year. All states are finalizing their ESSA rules for 2017-18 school year. VDOE – plans to submit plan in September 2017
Regional Programs State has developed specific criteria. Reduced funding for programs. Contact Fran if considering placement in a regional program
Applied Studies Diploma VDOE has completed Applied Studies curriculum map. VDOE is working on draft graduation requirements. Still has to be approved by the Board of Education.
Nuts and Bolts Eligibility Criteria has been revised Eligibility Dates have been sent to Principals Send out SE – 55 to all teachers – this is the notification of accommodations for students that the teachers must provide in the classroom New State IEP 20% of all LEA’s will be given an option to join over a 5 year period
Nuts and Bolts Related services are defined as a supportive service that are required to assist a SWD to benefit from special education services. Case managers should consult the RS personnel about goals and the special education teachers need to monitor the goals from the related service personnel. No movement on IDEA
Comments Which Should Never Be Made by IEP Team Members We don’t process referrals in the summer We don’t have money to do that If she were my child ….. Off the record … or I could lose my job for telling you this We don’t provide that service in GCPS I don’t provide that accommodation in my classroom I will have to check with my principal to see if that service can be added to the IEP.
Comments – Cont’d I didn’t know your child had a disability. He seems like any other child in my class I don’t know why I am at this meeting because I never met your child I don’t have room in my schedule to see your child We met prior to this meeting and determined that…..
Reminders Monitor the timelines for your annual IEPs and start scheduling them a month in advance. Never excuse the special education teacher, the parent, the student or the administrator from the meetings. Read over the Friday Tips that are sent out weekly.
Reminders Lock the IEP after you have received the permission and have completed the PWN. Make sure you are keeping data for all of your goals in the IEP. RASP is Public Day School. For any outside placement LREs, contact the Special Ed. Office for assistance. Contact Anne Lanan, Director of Transportation if a child is being considered for a modified day schedule.
Reminders If the child is being seen by an outside agency, secure a release from the parent/guardian and send a letter to request information. If you schedule an IEP meeting and the parent/guardian decides to leave the meeting, notify the parent that the meeting will continue without their presence. If you are in a meeting requesting evaluation components, do not name specific tests.
Reminders All-in-Ones should be considered for middle and high school students Two to three consistent evaluations Cannot change a disability without evaluations
Challenges Over the 1% Cap for VAAP Review criteria closely in IEP meetings. Implement Applied Studies Curriculum
Classrooms not Courtrooms Governor’s initiative. 2nd Annual Conference was held this summer. Break-out session will be devoted to this topic.
Break-Out Sessions Three break-out sessions Numbers are on your name tags Start with the number and proceed as follows: 1,2,3 2,3,1 3,1,2 Topics are included in your hand out