Chapter 23: Advanced Application Development


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 23: Advanced Application Development

Database System Concepts Chapter 1: Introduction Part 1: Relational databases Chapter 2: Relational Model Chapter 3: SQL Chapter 4: Advanced SQL Chapter 5: Other Relational Languages Part 2: Database Design Chapter 6: Database Design and the E-R Model Chapter 7: Relational Database Design Chapter 8: Application Design and Development Part 3: Object-based databases and XML Chapter 9: Object-Based Databases Chapter 10: XML Part 4: Data storage and querying Chapter 11: Storage and File Structure Chapter 12: Indexing and Hashing Chapter 13: Query Processing Chapter 14: Query Optimization Part 5: Transaction management Chapter 15: Transactions Chapter 16: Concurrency control Chapter 17: Recovery System Part 6: Data Mining and Information Retrieval Chapter 18: Data Analysis and Mining Chapter 19: Information Retreival Part 7: Database system architecture Chapter 20: Database-System Architecture Chapter 21: Parallel Databases Chapter 22: Distributed Databases Part 8: Other topics Chapter 23: Advanced Application Development Chapter 24: Advanced Data Types and New Applications Chapter 25: Advanced Transaction Processing Part 9: Case studies Chapter 26: PostgreSQL Chapter 27: Oracle Chapter 28: IBM DB2 Chapter 29: Microsoft SQL Server Online Appendices Appendix A: Network Model Appendix B: Hierarchical Model Appendix C: Advanced Relational Database Model

Part 8: Other topics (Chapters 23 through 25). Chapter 23: Advanced Application Development covers performance benchmarks, performance tuning and standardization. Chapter 24: Advanced Data Types and New Applications covers advanced data types and new applications, including temporal data, spatial and geographic data, multimedia data, and issues in the management of mobile and personal databases. Chapter 25: Advanced Transaction Processing deals with advanced transaction processing. We discuss transaction-processing monitors, high-performance transaction systems, real-time transaction systems, and transactional workflows.

Table of Contents 23.1 Performance Tuning 23.2 Performance Benchmarks 23.3 Standardization 23.4 Application Migration 23.5 Summary

Ch 8: Application Design & Development User User Web Browser Application WEB Interface : Servlet JSP Monitoring DBMS using Trigger Limited Access by Authorization Protecting DBMS by Security DBMS Ch 23: Advanced Application Development Performance Standardization Application Migration

Performance Tuning Adjusting various parameters and design choices to improve system performance for a specific application. Tuning is best done by identifying bottlenecks & eliminating them. Can tune a database system at 3 levels: Hardware add disks to speed up I/O add memory to increase buffer hits move to a faster processor Database system parameters set buffer size to avoid paging of buffer set checkpointing intervals to limit log size system may have automatic tuning. Higher level database design such as the schema, indices and transactions (more later)

Bottlenecks Performance of most systems (at least before they are tuned) usually limited by performance of one or a few components These are called bottlenecks E.g. 80% of the code may take up 20% of time and 20% of code takes up 80% of time Worth spending most time on 20% of code that take 80% of time Finding bottlenecks is very important Bottlenecks may be in hardware or in software e.g. disks are very busy, CPU is idle Removing one bottleneck often exposes another bottleneck De-bottlenecking consists of repeatedly finding bottlenecks, and removing them This is a heuristic

Identifying Bottlenecks Transactions request a sequence of services e.g. CPU, Disk I/O, locks With concurrent transactions, transactions may have to wait for a requested service while other transactions are being served Can model database as a queueing system with a queue for each service transactions repeatedly do the following request a service  wait in queue for the service  get serviced Bottlenecks in a database system typically show up as very high utilizations of a particular service Bottlenecks shows very long queues E.g. Disk utilization vs CPU utilization 100% utilization leads to very long waiting time: Rule of thumb: design a system for about 70% utilization at peak load utilization over 90% should be avoided

Finding Bottlenecks: Queues in a Database System

Tunable Parameters The lowest level is at the hardware level Adding disks or using a RAID system Adding more memory Moving to a faster processor The second level consists of the DBMS parameters Buffer size and Checkpointing intervals The third level is the highest level Schema and Transactions Indices and Materialized views

Tuning of Hardware Even well-tuned transactions typically require a few I/O operations Typical disk supports about 100 random I/O operations per second Suppose each transaction requires just 2 random I/O operations. Then to support n transactions per second, we need to stripe data across n/50 disks (ignoring skew) If 1000 transactions / 1 sec is required, 20 disks are needed Number of I/O operations per transaction can be reduced by keeping more data in memory If all data is in memory, I/O would be needed only for writes Keeping frequently used data in memory reduces disk accesses, reducing number of disks required, but has a memory cost

Hardware Tuning: Memory Question: which data to keep in memory: The disk cost for 1 I/0 per second is price-per-disk-drive accesses-per-second-per-disk Reducing 1 I/O saves this cost If a page is accessed n times per second, the value of keeping the page in memory can be thought of as much as the disk cost for n I/Os per second n * price-per-disk-drive Cost of keeping a page in memory (buying more memory) price-per-megabyte-of-memory pages-per-megabyte-of-memory Break-even point: value of n for which above two costs are equal If accesses to the papge are more than n times  better to keep the page in the memory (buying more memory) saving by buying memory is greater than buying cost

Hardware Tuning: 5-Min & 1-Min Rule Solving above equation with current disk and memory prices leads to: 5-minute rule: if a page that is randomly accessed is used more frequently than once in 5 minutes  it should be kept in memory (by buying sufficient memory!) For sequentially accessed data, more pages can be read per second Assuming sequential reads of 1MB of data at a time: 1-minute rule: sequentially accessed data that is accessed once or more in a minute should be kept in memory (by buying sufficient memory!) Prices of disk and memory have changed greatly over the years, but the ratios have not changed much rules remain as 5 minute and 1 minute rules, not 1 hour or 1 second rules!

Hardware Tuning: Choice of RAID Level To use RAID 1 or RAID 5? Depends on ratio of reads and writes RAID 5 requires 2 block reads and 2 block writes to write out one data block If an application requires r reads and w writes per second RAID 1 requires r + 2w I/O operations per second RAID 5 requires: r + 4w I/O operations per second For reasonably large r and w, this requires lots of disks to handle workload RAID 5 may require more disks than RAID 1 to handle load! Apparent saving of number of disks by RAID 5 (by using parity, as opposed to the mirroring done by RAID 1) may be illusory! Thumb rule: RAID 5 is fine when writes are rare and data is very large, but RAID 1 is preferable otherwise If you need more disks to handle I/O load, just mirror them since disk capacities these days are enormous!

Tuning of the Schema Vertically partition relations to isolate the data that is accessed most often -- only fetch needed information. E.g., split account (account-number, branch-name, balance) into two relations, (account-number, branch-name) and (account-number, balance). Branch-name need not be fetched unless required Improve performance by storing a denormalized relation E.g., store join of account relation and depositor relation; branch-name and balance information is repeated for each holder of an account, but join need not be computed repeatedly. Price paid: more space and more work for programmer to keep relation consistent on updates better to use materialized views (more on this later..) Cluster together on the same disk page records that would match in a frequently required join, compute join very efficiently when required.

Tuning of Indices Index tuning Tradeoff between queries and updates Create appropriate indices to speed up slow queries/updates Speed up slow updates by removing excess indices Choose type of index (B-tree / Hash) appropriate for most frequent queries Choose which index to make clustered Index tuning wizards (SW Tool) Look at past history of queries and updates (the workload) Recommend which indices would be best for the workload

Tuning using Materialized Views Materialized views can help speed up certain queries Particularly aggregate queries Overheads Space Time for view maintenance Immediate view maintenance: done as part of update transaction time overhead paid by update transaction Deferred view maintenance: done only when required update transaction is not affected, but system time is spent on view maintenance until updated, the view may be out-of-date Preferable to denormalized schema since view maintenance is systems responsibility, not programmers Avoids inconsistencies caused by errors in update programs

Tuning using Materialized Views (Cont.) How to choose a set of materialized views Helping one transaction type by introducing a materialized view may hurt others Choice of materialized views depends on costs Users often have no idea of actual cost of operations Overall, manual selection of materialized views is tedious Some database systems provide tools to help DBA choose views to materialize “Materialized view selection wizards”

Automated Tuning of Physical Design Automated Tools Index selection Materialized View selection Partition data in a parallel database system Users specify information about the size of database and related statistics MicroSoft’s Database Tuning Assistant Allow users to pose “what-if” questions for selecting materialized view Workload compression Generate workload using a small number of queries and updates Greedy heuristics and other various techniques

Tuning of Transactions Basic approaches to tuning of transactions Improve set orientation Reduce lock contention Split a large transaction Rewriting of queries to improve performance was important in the past, but smart optimizers have made this less important Improving set orientation Communication and query handling overhead of each call are significant Set orientation  fewer calls to database Combine multiple embedded SQL/ODBC/JDBC queries into a single set-oriented query E.g. tune program that computes total salary for each department using a separate SQL query by instead using a single query that computes total salaries for all department at once (using group by) Use stored-procedures: avoids re-parsing and re-optimization of query

Tuning of Transactions (Cont.) Reducing lock contention Long transactions (typically read-only) that examine large parts of a relation result in lock contention with update transactions E.g. large query to compute bank statistics and regular bank transactions Use multi-version concurrency control E.g. Oracle “snapshots” which support multi-version 2PL Use degree-two consistency (cursor-stability) for long transactions Drawback: result may be approximate

Tuning of Transactions (Cont.) Long update transactions cause several problems Exhaust lock space Exhaust log space Also greatly increase recovery time after a crash may exhaust log space even more during recovery if recovery algorithm is badly designed! If a single large transaction updates every record of a very large relation, log may grow too big Split large transaction into a batch of ``mini-transactions'‘ Each mini transaction is suppose do perform a limited number of the updates Hold locks across transactions in a mini-batch to ensure serializability If lock table size is a problem  can release locks, but at the cost of serializability In case of failure during a mini-batch must complete its remaining portion on recovery, to ensure atomicity support the concept of nested transaction

Performance Simulation Performance simulation using queuing model useful to predict bottlenecks as well as the effects of tuning changes, even without access to real system Queuing model as we saw earlier Models activities that go on in parallel Simulation model is quite detailed, but usually omits some low level details Model service time, but disregard details of service E.g. approximate disk read time by using an average disk read time Experiments can be run on model, and provide an estimate of measures such as average throughput/response time After simulation, parameters can be tuned in model and then replicated in real system E.g. number of disks, memory, algorithms, etc

Table of Contents 23.1 Performance Tuning 23.2 Performance Benchmarks 23.3 Standardization 23.4 Application Migration 23.5 Summary

Performance Benchmarks Suites of tasks used to quantify the performance of software systems single task not enough for complex systems Important in comparing database systems, especially as systems become more standards compliant. Commonly used performance measures: Throughput (transactions per second, or TPS) Response time (delay from submission of transaction to return of result) Availability or mean time to failure (MTTF) Need to beware when computing average throughput of different transaction types Suppose that a system A runs transaction type T1 at 99 tps and transaction type T2 at 1 tps and another system B runs both T1 and T2 at 50 tps. The idea of simple averaging TPS is wrong! equal performance of two systems A and B (50 tps)! If we ran 50 transactions of each type System A: T1 (0.01 sec), T2 (1 sec)  need 50.5 secs System B: T1 (0.02 sec), T2 (0.02)  need 2 secs

Performance Benchmarks (Cont.) Instead, harmonic mean of n throughputs t1, t2, … tn: n system A (T1: 99 tps. T2: 1 tps), system B (T1: 50 tps. T2: 50 tps) The harmonic mean for system A is 1.98 ( 2 / ((1/99) + (1/1)) ) while for system B, it is 50 (2 / ((1/ 50) + (1 / 50)) ) System B is 25 times faster than system A Interference (e.g. lock contention) makes even this incorrect if different transaction types run concurrently 1/t1 + 1/t2 + … + 1/tn

Database Application Classes Online transaction processing (OLTP) requires high concurrency and clever techniques to speed up commit processing, to support a high rate of update transactions. Decision support applications including online analytical processing, or OLAP applications require good query evaluation algorithms and query optimization. Architecture of some database systems tuned to one of the two classes E.g. Teradata DBMS is tuned to decision support Others try to balance the two requirements E.g. Oracle, with snapshot support for long read-only transaction

Transaction Benchmarks Suites The Transaction Processing Council (TPC) benchmark suites are widely used. TPC-A and TPC-B: simple OLTP application modeling a bank teller application with and without communication Not used anymore TPC-C: complex OLTP application modeling an inventory system Current standard for OLTP benchmarking TPC-D: complex decision support application Superceded by TPC-H and TPC-R TPC-H: (H for ad hoc) based on TPC-D with some extra queries Models ad hoc queries which are not known beforehand Total of 22 queries with emphasis on aggregation prohibits materialized views permits indices only on primary and foreign keys TPC-R: (R for reporting) same as TPC-H, but without any restrictions on materialized views and indices TPC-W: (W for Web) End-to-end Web service benchmark modeling a Web bookstore, with combination of static and dynamically generated pages

TPC Performance Measures transactions-per-second with specified constraints on response time transactions-per-second-per-dollar accounts for cost of owning system TPC benchmark requires database sizes to be scaled up with increasing transactions-per-second reflects real world applications where more customers means more database size and more transactions-per-second External audit of TPC performance numbers is mandatory TPC performance claims can be trusted

Sample TPC Performance Measures Two types of tests for TPC-H (ad hoc) and TPC-R (report) Power metric test runs queries and updates sequentially then takes mean to find queries per hour Throughput metric test runs queries and updates concurrently multiple streams running in parallel: each stream generates queries, with one parallel update stream the total time of the entire run Composite “query per hour” metric overall metric square root of ( power metric X throughput metric ) Composite “price vs. performance” metric system price / composite metric

Other Benchmarks OODB transactions require a different set of benchmarks. Reason: hard to define what is a typical OODB application The object operational benchmark, version 1: 001 benchmark OO7 benchmark has several different operations provides a separate benchmark number for each kind of operation Traversing a connected objects Retrieving all objects in a class Benchmarks for XML databases are now being discussed

Table of Contents 23.1 Performance Tuning 23.2 Performance Benchmarks 23.3 Standardization 23.4 Application Migration 23.5 Summary

Standardization The complexity of contemporary software systems and the need for their interoperation require a variety of standards. syntax and semantics of programming languages functions in application program interfaces data models (e.g. object-oriented / object-relational databases) Formal standards De facto standards Anticipatory standards Reactionary standards

Standardization (Cont.) Formal standards are standards developed by a standards organization (ANSI, ISO), or by industry groups, through a public process. De facto standards are generally accepted as standards without any formal process of recognition Standards defined by dominant vendors (IBM, Microsoft) often become de facto standards De facto standards often go through a formal process of recognition and become formal standards Anticipatory standards lead the market place, defining features that vendors then implement Ensure compatibility of future products But at times become very large and unwieldy since standards bodies may not pay enough attention to ease of implementation (e.g.,SQL-92 or SQL:1999) Reactionary standards attempt to standardize features that vendors have already implemented, possibly in different ways. Can be hard to convince vendors to change already implemented features. E.g. OODB systems

SQL Standards History SQL developed by IBM in late 70s / early 80s SQL-86: The first formal standard IBM SAA standard for SQL in 1987 SQL-89 added features to SQL-86 that were already implemented in many systems SQL-89 was a reactionary standard SQL-92 added many new features to SQL-89 (anticipatory standard) Defines levels of compliance (entry, intermediate and full) Even now few database vendors have full SQL-92 implementation SQL 1999 Adds variety of new features --- extended data types, object orientation, procedures, triggers, etc. SQL 2003

SQL Standards History (Cont.) The SQL: 2003 Standard Part 1: SQL/Framework; overview Part 2: SQL/Foundation; types, schemas, DDL, DML, security, etc Part 3: SQL/CLI (Call Level Interface); API interface Part 4: SQL/PSM (Persistent Stored Modules); procedural extensions Part 9: SQL/MED (Management of External Data) Interfacing of database to external data sources other databases and even files can be viewed as part of the database Part 10: SQL/OLB (Object Language Bindings); embedding SQL in Java Part 11: SQL Schemata(Information and Definition Schema) defines a standard catalog interface Part 13: SQL/JRT (Java Routines and Types) defines standards for accessing routines and types in Java Part 14: SQL/XML defines XML-related specifications Missing parts 5,6,7, 8, 12 cover features that are not near standardization yet SQL/Bindings, Temporal Data, Distributed Transaction, Multimedia Data

Database Connectivity Standards Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) standard for database interconnectivity based on Call Level Interface (CLI) developed by X/Open consortium and the SQL Access Group defines application programming interface (API), and SQL features that must be supported at different levels of compliance JDBC standard used for interconnectivity between Java and Database X/Open XA standards by X/Open consortium define transaction management standards for supporting distributed 2PC OLE-DB by Microsoft API like ODBC, but to support non-db sources such as flat files or email stores OLE-DB program can negotiate with data source to find what features are supported Interface language may be a subset of SQL ADO (Active Data Objects) by Microsoft Easy-to-use interface to OLE-DB functionality Can be called from scripting languages such as VBScript and Jscript ADO.NET API is for application in the .NET languages such as C# and Visual Basic.NET

Xopen / XA 작동 그림예제

OLE-DB & ADO 작동 그림예제

Object Oriented Databases Standards Object Database Management Group (ODMG) standard for OODB version 1 in 1993, version 2 in 1997, version 3 in 2000 provides language independent Object Definition Language (ODL) as well as several language-specific bindings Object Management Group (OMG) standard for distributed SW based on objects Object Request Broker (ORB) provides transparent message dispatch to distributed objects Interface Definition Language (IDL) for defining language-independent data types Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) defines specifications of ORB and IDL

CORBA 작동 그림예제

XML-Based Application Standards Several XML based Standards for E-commerce E.g. RosettaNet (supply chain), BizTalk Define catalogs, service descriptions, invoices, purchase orders, etc. XML wrappers are used to export information from relational databases to XML Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP): XML based remote procedure call (RPC) standard Uses XML to encode data (both parameters and results) HTTP as transport protocol (procedure call becomes HTTP request) Endorsed by W3C Popular in B2B E-commerce Standards based on SOAP for specific applications E.g. OLAP and Data Mining standards from Microsoft DOM & SAX API are for general programming language to connect to XML Data

SOAP 작동 그림예제

Table of Contents 23.1 Performance Tuning 23.2 Performance Benchmarks 23.3 Standardization 23.4 Application Migration 23.5 Summary

Legacy Systems Legacy systems are older-generation systems that are incompatible with current generation standards and systems but still in production use E.g. applications written in Cobol that run on mainframes Today’s hot new system is tomorrows legacy system! Porting legacy system applications to a more modern environment is problematic Rewriting code Very expensive, since legacy system may involve millions of lines of code, written over decades Original programmers usually no longer available Switching over from old system to new system is a problem Big-Bang Approach Chicken-little Approach One approach: build a wrapper layer on top of legacy application to allow interoperation between newer systems and legacy application E.g. use ODBC or OLE-DB as wrapper

Legacy Systems (Cont.) Rewriting legacy application requires a first phase of understanding what it does Often legacy code has no documentation or outdated documentation reverse engineering: process of going over legacy code to Come up with schema designs in ER or OO model Find out what procedures and processes are implemented, to get a high level view of system Re-engineering: reverse engineering followed by design of new system Improvements are made on existing system design in this process

Migrating to a New System Switching over from old to new system is a major problem Production systems are in every day, generating new data Stopping the system may bring all of a company’s activities to a halt, causing enormous losses Big-bang approach: Implement complete new system Populate it with data from old system No transactions while this step is executed scripts are created to do this quickly Shut down old system and start using new system Danger with this approach: what if new code has bugs or performance problems, or missing features Company may be brought to a halt

Migrating to a New System (cont.) Chicken-little approach: Replace legacy system one piece at a time Use wrappers to interoperate between legacy and new code E.g. replace front end first, with wrappers on legacy backend Old front end can continue working in this phase in case of problems with new front end Replace back end, one functional unit at a time All parts that share a database may have to be replaced together, or wrapper is needed on database also Drawback: significant extra development effort to build wrappers and ensure smooth interoperation Still worth it if company’s life depends on system

Table of Contents 23.1 Performance Tuning 23.2 Performance Benchmarks 23.3 Standardization 23.4 Application Migration 23.5 Summary

Ch 21: Summary (1) The Web browser has emerged as the most widely used user interface to databases. HTML provides the ability to define interfaces that combine hyperlinks with forms facilities. Web browsers communicate with Web servers by the HTTP protocol. Web servers can pass on request to application programs, and return the results to the browser. There are several client-side scripting languages - Java script is the most widely used-that provide richer user interaction at the browser end. Web servers execute applications programs to implement desired functionality. Servlets are a widely used mechanism to write application programs that run as part of the Web server process, in order to reduce overheads. There are also many server-side scripting languages that are interpreted by the Web server and provide application program functionality as part of Web server.

Ch 21: Summary (2) Tuning of the database (system parameters, as well as the higher-level database design-such as the schema, indices, and transactions) is important for good performance. Tuning is best done by identifying bottlenecks and eliminating them. Performance benchmarks play an important role in comparisons of database systems, especially as systems become more standards compliant. The TPC benchmark suites are widely used, and the different TPC benchmarks are useful for our comparing the performance of databases under different workloads. Standards are important because of the complexity of database systems and their need for interoperation. Formal standards exist for SQL. Defacto standards, such as ODBC and JDBC, and standard adopted by industry groups, such as CORBA, have played an important role in the growth of client-server database systems. Standards for object-oriented databases, such as ODMG, are being developed by industry groups.

Ch 21: Summary (3) E-commerce systems are fast becoming a core part of how commerce is performed. There are several database issues in e-commerce systems. Catalog management, especially personalization of the catalog, is done with the databases. Electronic marketplaces help in pricing of products through auctions, reverse auctions, or exchanges. High-performance database systems are needed to handle such trading. Orders are settled by electronic payment systems, which also need high-performance database systems to handle very high transaction rates. Legacy systems are systems based on older-generation technologies such as nonrelational databases or even directly on file systems. Interfacing legacy systems with new-generation systems is often important when the run mission-critical systems. Migrating from legacy systems to new-generation systems must be done carefully to avoid disruptions, which can be very expensive.

Ch 21: Bibliographical Notes (1) Information about servlets, including tutorials, standard specifications, and software, is available on Information about JSP is available at An early proposal for a database-system benchmark (the Wisconsin benchmark) was made by Bitton et al.[1983]. The TPC-A,-B, and –C benchmarks are described in Gray[1991]. An online version of all the TPC benchmarks descriptions, as well as benchmark results, is available on the World Wide Web at the URL the site also contains up-to-date information about new benchmark proposals. O’Neil and O’Neil[2000] provides a very good textbook coverage of performance measurement and tuning. The five minute and one minute rules are described in Gray and Putzolu[1987] and Gray and Graefe[1997]. Brown et al.[1994] describes an approach to automated tuning.

Ch 21: Bibliographical Notes (2) Index selection and materialized view selection are addressed by Ross et al.[1996], Labio et al. [1997], Gupta [1997], Chaudhuri and Narasayya [1997], Agrawa et al. [2000] and Mistry et al. [2001]. Poess and Floyd[2000] gives an overview of the TPC-H, TPC-R, and TPC-W benchmarks. The OO1 benchmark for OODBs is described in Cattell and Skeen [1992]; the OO7 benchmark is described in Carey et al. [1993]. Kleinrock [1975] and Kleinrock [1976] is a popular two-volume textbook on queuing theory. Shasha [1992] provides a good overview of database tuning. The American National Standard SQL-86 is described in ANSI[1986]. The IBM Systems Application Architecture definition of SQL is specified by IBM [1987]. The standards for SQL-89 and SQL-92 are available as ANSI [1989] and ANSI [1992] respectively. For reference in the SQL:1999 standard, see bibliographical notes of Chapter 9.

Ch 21: Bibliographical Notes (3) The X/Open SQL call-level interface is defined in X/Open [1993]; the ODBC API is described in Microsoft [1997] and Sanders [1998]. The X/Open XA interface is defined in X/Open[1991]. More information about ODBC, OLE-DB, and ADO can be found on the Web site, and in a number of books on the subject can be found through The ODMG 3.0 standard is defined in Cattell [2000]. ACM Sigmod Record, which is published quarterly, has a regular section on standards in databases, including benchmark standards. A wealth of information on XML based standards is available online. You can use a Web search engine such as Google to search for more up-to-date information about the XML and other standards. Loeb[1998] provides a detailed description of secure electronic transactions. Business process reengineering is covered by Cook [1996]. Kirchmer [1999] describes application implementation using standard software such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) packages. Umar [1997] covers reengineering and issues in dealing with legacy systems.

Ch 21: Tools There are many Web development tools that support database connectivity through servlets, JSP, Javascript, or other mechanisms. We list a few of the better-known ones here: JAVA SDK from SUN ( Apache’s Tomcat ( and Webserver ( IBM WebSphere ( Microsoft’s ASP tools ( Allaire’s Coldfusion and JRun products ( Caucho’s Resin ( Zope ( A few of these, such as Apache, are free for any use, some are free for noncommercial use or for personal use, while others need to be paid for See the respective Web sites for more information.

Table of Contents 23.1 Performance Tuning 23.2 Performance Benchmarks 23.3 Standardization 23.4 Application Migration 23.5 Summary

End of Chapter