Professional Development Missions Emphasis Week October 12-13, 2017 Waupaca, WI
Rob McCleland, PhD Cell: 916.550.7700 Rob, Don’t forget why you are here. You are fulfilling your mission in life. You exist to train leaders of leaders after loving God, Dawn, and Kaylie.
Your Best Leadership is on the Horizon! God's Word and Research Agree On Where We Should Start
Who is Responsible for my Development??? Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed —not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence— continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling ...for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
Fletcher Medical Center/Mayo Clinic (2009) study of Executive Stress The following picture reveals 2 identical dolphins. The picture is used in a case study on executive stress levels. 1. On the next slide: IDENTICAL DOLPHINS jumping out of the water. 2. Study reveals that LEADERS UNDER STRESS tend to find several differences between the two dolphins . 3. THE MORE DIFFERENCES that are perceived, THE MORE STRESS that leader is experiencing at the given time.
The Toughest Leadership Challenge You Will Ever Face is YOU!
Four C’s of Christian Leadership Character Competence Courage Calling
Character Good character starts now. It ends at our transition to heaven. It is something that can build each day with small wins. Or it can be damaged in a moment—we start over and start stronger. So start today. Start now. Get forgiven, get cleansed and released from the sin that so easily entangles. Become the person that God wants you to become. It’s super important because everyone knows how to recognize it!
The Leadership Challenge Today’s research comes from the book The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner (and it’s awesome research!)
Who is the best leader that you know personally? It all starts with a question... Who is the best leader that you know personally? And a follow-up question... What makes that person such a good leader?
of Exemplary Leadership From the second question we get: The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
Model the Way “The first step a leader must take on the path is inward.” Clarify Values! What are my personal values and beliefs? Set the Example! The best leaders in the world don’t tell… they show.
Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision
Inspire a Shared Vision “Leaders look forward to the future.” Envision the Future! What’s Next? Enlist others! Tell people you trust them… then do it!
Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process
Challenge the Process “Challenge is the opportunity for greatness.” Search for Opportunities! You don’t have to change history, just “business as usual.” Experiment and Take Risks! Change is the work of leaders.
Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act
Enable Others to Act “Leaders know they can’t do it alone.” Foster Collaboration! You simply can’t get extraordinary things done by yourself. Strengthen Others! Develop competence, then empower, then empower more.
Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart
Encourage the Heart “Leaders encourage others to continue the quest.” Recognize Contributions! Clarify goals, the recognize and reward. Celebrate Victories! Celebrating accomplishments sustains team spirit.
Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart
You are your biggest challenge Unfortunately you can’t change the past You are NOT able to change - your family of origin - your Intelligence Quotient (IQ) -your basic personality type But there is one major area that you can change…
Change Your Thinking Change Your Life! If you can… Change Your Thinking you can Change Your Life!
Think about one of these everyday… Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart
YOU Practice at least one of these every single day, because are toughest leadership challenge That you will ever face!
Thank you for the privilege of being with you! Questions?