VIIRS and the Fort McMurray Fire VISIT Satellite Chat (18 May 2016) Curtis Seaman, CIRA
Outline Look at VIIRS imagery of Fort McMurray Fire Discuss “saturation” and “fold-over” Introduce “Fire Temperature RGB” References
Spatial Resolution (m) @ nadir VIIRS Bands for Fires VIIRS Band Central Wavelength (μm) Band Explanation Spatial Resolution (m) @ nadir M1 0.412 Visible/ Reflective 750 m M2 0.445 M3 0.488 M4 0.555 M5 0.672 M6 0.746 Near IR M7 0.865 M8 1.240 Shortwave IR M9 1.378 M10 1.61 M11 2.25 M12 3.7 Medium-wave IR M13 4.05 M14 8.55 Longwave IR M15 10.76 M16 12.01 DNB 0.7 Visible / Reflective 750 m across full scan I1 0.64 375 m I2 0.87 I3 I4 3.74 I5 11.45 VIIRS has 9* bands that detect fires/flares/hot spots M-12, M-13, I-4 are best for fire detection M-11 detects moderately active fires M-10, I-3, M-15, I-5 detect only the hottest, largest fires DNB detects visible light from fires at night
Brightness Temperature (K) M-13 vs. I-4 M-13 I-4 Warmest pixel: 487 K “Cold” pixels near the center of the fire are due to saturation and “fold-over”. 750 m resolution 375 m resolution 20:20 UTC 3 May 2016 I-4 is higher resolution, but has a low saturation point (367 K) M-13 is a dual-gain band with a high saturation point (+600 K) Brightness Temperature (K)
Fire Temperature RGB Fire Temperature RGB combines the short/mid-wave IR bands to aid fire detection M-10 (1.61 µm), M-11 (2.25 µm) and M-12 (3.7 µm) Hot spots detected in M-12 show up red Hot spots detected in both M-12 and M-11 appear orange to yellow Hot spots detected in all three bands appear white (maybe even bluish if fold-over is present in M-12) 20:20 UTC 3 May 2016 Liquid clouds appear blue, ice clouds appear dark green, bare ground appears purple/maroon, snow/ice/water appear black
Fort McMurray Fire (3-7 May 2016)
20:45 UTC 7 May 2016
20:00 UTC 15 May 2016
19:40 UTC 16 May 2016
19:20 UTC 17 May 2016
References Seeing the Light: VIIRS in the Arctic Blog: VIIRS Imagery and Visualization Team Blog: