INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Sven Hermann, Clemens Koerdt Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe ROC DECH Report
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI ARM 7, Krakow, May Centres in DECH contributing to the infrastructure DESY GSI FhG SCAI FZK HU Berlin LRZ München U Wuppertal RWTH Aachen TU Karlsruhe, IEKP Dist. ROC (EGEE2) RC RC to be certified U Freiburg U Dortmund DESY Zeuthen FhG ITWM CSCS MPI München
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI ARM 7, Krakow, May Regional Status Support: Integration with GGUS –ROC DECH Support Portal Fully integrated in GGUS –Regional First Line Support: ROC-DECH-On-Duty Distributed among FZK, DESY, CSCS, GSI, FhG SCAI Biweekly –Documentation: How to increase grid knowledge –GridKa School –Upcoming participation in GOod –More frequent regular DECH SA1 meetings –Regional knowledge base planned
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI ARM 7, Krakow, May ROC People I FZK (6 FTEs) –Sven Hermann (ROC manager, MW deployment, GOoD, Accounting Coord., Interoperation) –Clemens Koerdt (Deputy ROC manager, GOoD, Grid Services, Accounting Coord., Interoperation, SLAs) –Sven Gabriel (Pre-Prod, MW Deployment, Grid Services, Admin Training) –Helmut Dres (ROC-DECH-On-Duty, GGUS) –Günter Grein (ROC-DECH-On-Duty, GGUS) –Ingrid Schäffner (Grid Services, CA management) –Ursula Epting (Incident Response, CA management) –Torsten Antoni (GGUS, VO Support) –Michael Roth (ROC Helpdesk)
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI ARM 7, Krakow, May ROC People II CSCS (1 FTE) new Partner –Peter Kunszt (ROC-DECH-On-Duty, GOoD, VO Support, Interoperation, SLAs) –NN (MW Deployment, ROC-DECH-On-Duty, VO Support, TPM) DESY (3 FTEs) –Andreas Gellrich, 2 x NN (Pre-Prod, MW Deployment, ROC-DECH-On-Duty, GOoD, Grid Services, VO Support, Interoperation) FhG ITWM (0,83 FTEs) –Christian Peter (Pre-Prod., GOoD, Grid Services) –Martin Vogt (Pre-Prod, GOoD, Grid Services) FhG SCAI (1,66 FTEs) –Horst Schwichtenberg (Application coord.) –Kläre Cassirer (GOoD, Grid Services, VO Support) –NN (MW Deployment, ROC-DECH-On-Duty) GSI (2,5 FTEs) –Victor Penso (Pre-Prod, MW Cert, GOoD, Grid Services) –Carsten Preuss (Pre-Prod, MW Cert, ROC-DECH-On-Duty, Grid Services, TPM) –Kilian Schwarz (Pre-Prod, MW Cert, VO Support, Interoperation, SLAs) –NN (Pre-Prod, ROC-DECH-On-Duty, VO Support, TPM, SLAs)
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI ARM 7, Krakow, May VOs in region DECH Global: –hone, ilc, zeus, DTEAM, ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, BABAR, DZERO, MAGIC, BIOMED, EGEODE, ESR, geant4 Regional: –calice, dcms, ildg, dech, ghep Local: –heliade, gear, ops, baikal, desy, herab, hermes, icecube, compass, other local VOs (e.g. bfg)
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI ARM 7, Krakow, May CPUs CSCS 30 DESY HH 278 DESY ZN 104 EKP 20 FZK 1550 GSI* 32 ITWM 32 RWTH 40 SCAI 32 Wuppertal 50 Uni Dortmund 50 Uni Freiburg 24 Sum (all 12 sites) 2242