DoD Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (National Guard YRRP) NGB-SFSS Adapted from NGB Briefing for YRRP Conference and OSD Office for Reintegration Briefing
History of Yellow Ribbon Fiscal Year 2007 First “unofficial” YR reintegration event supports the return of Service Members and Families Fiscal Year 2008 “Section 582 of the FY 2008 NDAA required the Department of Defense to establish a ARNG and Reserve Members and their Families with sufficient information, services, referrals, and proactive outreach opportunities throughout the deployment cycle.” More than 50,000 Service Members and 60,000 Family Members serviced Fiscal Year 2009 More than 1012 Yellow Ribbon events held nation-wide 67,812 Service Members and 83,037 Family Members serviced totaling 150,849 attendees Hired 165 Yellow Ribbon contractors throughout the 54 States and territories Fiscal Year 2010 Will conduct 1100 Joint events to support deploying Service Members and Families 08 numbers were approximates. Funding was adequate but sporadic in disbursements due to supplemental. We estimate 65,000 soldiers and 75,000 family members will be serviced in FY09.
Joint YRRP Mission Statement The Joint YRRP Framework Take care of Service Members and their Families, make them self-reliant and resilient throughout the entire deployment cycle: Pre-Deployment, Deployment, Demobilization, and Post-Deployment-Reconstitution The Joint YRRP Framework A cooperative network of Military services, Veteran service organizations, State governmental departments, and other agencies that provide information, resources, referrals, and proactive outreach to Service Members, spouses, employers, and youth throughout all mobilization phases. Additionally, it is a flexible Family support system focused at meeting the needs of mobilized Service Members and geographically dispersed Families. Yellow Ribbon is an umbrella program. We work extensively with the GDTF on ensuring all Service Members/Families get the same level of care.
Programs Provided Attendees at YRRP events depart with: Health and Counseling Services awareness including an understanding of medical benefits i.e. TRICARE and Veterans Administration care, etc. Reference materials to assist them in making future contacts Training on installation services, commissary and PX facilities A linkage to the Family Assistance Centers (FACs) and Family Readiness Groups (FRGs) if not previously completed Marriage enrichment training Anger / stress management training Military Legal and financial services Substance abuse / Domestic violence prevention training Childcare services points of contact and program utilization information ESGR and employment support Traumatic brain injury awareness and points of contact Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) / Community-based WTU support overview Suicide prevention training and awareness
Joint Service Member and Family Support Staff allocated across the Nation to Support Service Members and Families 374 Family Assistance Centers, with a staff of 421 personnel provide Joint support 108 Military Family Life Consultants (54 Pending Hires) 61 Transition Assistance Advisors 55 Survivor Outreach Services Coordinators 54 Military OneSource Consultants 32 Child & Youth Behavioral Military Family Life Consultants
DoD Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Supporting Service Members, Families, and Communities During the Entire Deployment Cycle DoD Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program LTC Jeffrey Schulz USAR YRRP Conference November 4-6, 2008
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Office for Reintegration Programs Established by Section 582 of the NDAA 2008 Currently staffed by liaisons from all the components Shall coordinate all Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Programs with National Guard/Regional Reserve Shall coordinate with existing National Guard & Reserve Family support programs Shall establish a Yellow Ribbon Center for Excellence in the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Office
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Advisory Board Reports to Congress yearly on the Program’s successes and areas for necessary improvements Evaluate National Guard and Reserve reintegration programs Assess unmet resource requirements Recommend changes regarding closer coordination between OSD Reintegration Office and National Guard and Reserve organizations
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Yellow Ribbon Center for Excellence Shall collect and analyze lessons learned and suggestions from National Guard and Reserve organizations with existing or developing programs Shall assist in developing training aids, briefing materials and training representatives from the NG and Reserve organizations as necessary Shall analyze demographics, placement of State Family Assistance Centers, and resources before MOB alert Shall establish a national calendar of events to support Joint program to assist the NG and RC implementation
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Outreach Services Proactive Outreach services to all Service Members (IRR, IMA and RR) and their Families Administrative Personnel Administer the YRRP at the DoD level Implement the reintegration curriculum throughout the deployment cycle to the Services Obtain necessary service providers Educate service providers regarding the unique Military nature of the reintegration program