Talent 21 Project Research & Experiment Information By: Teea Allmond And Teagen Hay April 4,2011
Background Information If we start recycling we can change littering to a recycling bin on the side of the roads . Not throwing plastics in the trash and look for a recycling bin any where you are .We really don’t need to keep piling trash on our sea shores all you really have too do is reduce the supply of plastic ,plastic can kill our animals in our oceans for dumping plastic instead of recycling. And if you can you can always reuse. Just by throwing a plastic in a BLUE recycling bin.
Causes and Effects How will what you do change your local environment? Not recycling plastic 1.The dumping center will over load with plastics that were suppose to be recycled. 2.the streets become the plastic playground Dumping plastic on our sea shores .Animals will become a harmed in bad ways which would equal death. Littering on the ground If we litter on the ground it will become the litter play ground and the nature will be unsafe Not being reasonable You can make wrong decisions and effect our earth and the living
5W’s and an H Question Think about your topic and the background. Who can help you? I can help by recycling in my own house and around my community What do you already know about this? That if you don’t recycle then the plastics and cans are being brought to the dump onto the sea shore where the tide will come up and in the water the animals looking for food and suffocate on the plastics and cans. Where are you doing this? We will start in our local environment and spread a word to others in our community When will you do this? From know on we will recycle in our own homes and make it local that recycling is a very important thing on earth Why is it a good idea? Because if you don’t recycle you could be killing animals and kill human life on earth. How will you do this? I will start recycling in my house and spread the word to friends and family and keep passing to get people to consider recycling in the homes and just take a bottle and throw it away.
Hypothesis Write a hypothesis about how you think this change will help your environment and your ecological issue. Question Conditional Statement If, Then Statement How can we recycle in our community? By using cloth bags, less paper and plastics and reusable rescores on earth. animal would be able to reproduce and the air, core, and oceans would be plastic free and a livable If we don’t recycle what would happen? Humans and animals will be endangered and live in nasty environments. Our environment would a litter playground animals will die and not reproduce so food from animals would decrease.
Resources Cited Where did you get your information from Resources Cited Where did you get your information from? Put the name of the place where you got the information, the URL and date you found it on the Web, publisher, page numbers, etc. http://www.motherearthnews.com/nature-community/how-to-recycle-zw0z10zsie.aspx http://www.squidoo.com/recycle-pollution http://greenlifesaver.wordpress.com/2008/07/14/the-facts-why-should-you-use-cloth-bags-instead-of-plastic/
Experiment Design an experiment to test your hypothesis Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Our Experiment IN our experiment we had calculated how many plastic bags to cloth bags we used in a week using a bar graph. We found out that in one week we used 32 plastic bags and 19 cloth bags together in our homes. Adding that up we used 51 bags altogether.