JCOMM Ocean Observing System Report Card 2016 version 0.4 JCOMM OCG-8 May 2017
Deliverables & Budget Deliverables: 300 printed units 3 pages recto-verso 200 x 250 mm (i.e. two A4 pages horizontally folded in 3 parts) Budget:~5k$ Order signed by JCOMMOPS Deadline: JCOMM V Conference (October 2017)
Content: FRONT (1) TITLE: JCOMM Observing System Report Card 2016 LOGOS: IOC, WMO JCOMM GOOS
Content: EDITORIAL (2) The report card is conceived to be very visual/graphic and light on text! Welcome Introduction (400 chars) Editorial #1 JCOMM Co-presidents Role of ocean obs vs WMO/IOC goals, link to SDG, G7 quote (300 chars) Editorial #2 JCOMM OCG chair Overall status of OCG networks, ref. to GCOS (sustainability/resilience) (320 chars) Including area of foci for next years ? (300 chars) Call-out box: highlight EL Nino 2016 & TPOS2020, On the value of an integrated network
Content: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (3) Quotes (IOC exec, WMO DG), OCG members (200 chars) National Partners (based on operational platforms registered at JCOMMOPS as of May 2017 (~20)) Producer: JCOMMOPS (Logo) Authors : « JCOMM Observation Coordination Group » Contacts, URLs, email: http://www.jcomm.info (General Information) http://www.jcommops.org (Networks Status) http://www.wmo.int/oceans (WMO secretariat) http://Ioc-goos.org (IOC secretariat) support@jcommops.org (Assistance) Logos for all networks at the bottom
Content: THEMES/APPLICATIONS (4,6) 1 logo per theme + a short sentence (180 chars): themes are introduced through application examples DISASTER MITIGATION Extreme weather events (Hurricanes, ice-storms, record rainfalls, floods, droughts, tsunamis, etc) cause loss of life and enormous burden on insurance industry. CLIMATE CHANGE Gathering global subsurface observations, of highest quality, on a long time scale, is critical to predict impact of climate changes on communities and nations. 1. Weather 2. Variability and its Impacts 3. Climate Change 4. Ocean Health 5. Disaster Mitigation 6. Sustainable Ocean Resources 7. Blue Economy 8. Key Ocean processes and regions
Content: SYSTEM STATUS (5) Page divided in 3 parts: Satellite status table (top) ??? In situ networks map (mid) Networks list (legend), status, ref. to themes (bottom)
Networks Status: to complete http://www.jcommops.org/ftp/JCOMM/Report card/JCOMM report card.xls
PLEASE NOTE: DEADLINE FOR SENDING CONTENTS TO JCOMMOPS: 15 JUNE 2017 Next Actions: Welcome introduction (JCOMMOPS) Co-presidents Editorial (J. Stander) (300 chars, i.e.: less then 3 lines in a word document) OCG Chair Editorial (D. Legler) (300 chars) Box #1: ENSO & TPOS2020 highlight (D. Legler) Quotes IOC Exec, WMO DG (IOC & WMO secretariats) (300 chars) Theme textes (Editorial board) (180 chars, i.e.: 2 lines in a word document) Network status/highlights review (OCG network chairs) Finalize the work with agency (JCOMMOPS) PLEASE NOTE: DEADLINE FOR SENDING CONTENTS TO JCOMMOPS: 15 JUNE 2017