EHE - 310 September 11th – 13th.


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Presentation transcript:

EHE - 310 September 11th – 13th

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What are we doing this week? Cue card activity Child protection information Questions about the assignment Outcomes and Indicators exercise Components of a Unit Plan ------------------------ Unit plan/Lesson plan samples Going through the expectations for the assignment - time allotment changes: framework: 15 min. Individual: 5-7 min. Choosing groups, a date and outcome for assignment Time to get together as groups to organize your framework *Next class we will start with this as well and give you time to meet with your group, talk about how things are going and work on your framework.

Cue Cards – what did we not know about you?

Child Protection Information What procedure should you follow if a child discloses something to you about abuse or neglect? Tell your principal Don’t make promises you can’t keep, like “I won’t tell anyone” Small children will ‘accidentally disclose’. Ask for clarification. Don’t make the call to social services. You may be called to tell the information. Intake screens calls and makes decisions about follow up. Sometimes we know about follow up and sometimes we don’t. 600 calls a month go to SS and 35 – 40% are schools

What are indicators of…. Physical Abuse? Sexual Abuse? Neglect?

Other things to know Age of consent? 16 - this has changed from 14 Age to be able to babysit or look after self? None established 10 is usually the guideline they recommend 12 – because of babysitting courses


Questions about writing assignment?

Outcomes and indicators Looking at Goal #1 USC1.1 Underline all the verbs Circle all the nouns Now use these questions to determine how you might structure your lesson. How will I do this? What should I consider for resources? Recognize the “how will you know if the student gets it?” *Evaluation? What specifically should I do or include in this lesson? What creative ways can I teach this? How do I include cross curricular competencies? Is there another subject that I can integrate this information with? Do I need to differentiate this lesson for some students?

Looking at a sample units Two unit samples - Look through the information in the two units - Notice the components included in each - What do you think should be the essential components of the unit plan? Lesson plans? - What do you think was really good about this unit? - What are the ‘extra’s that show a creative edge and give more information? - Was there anything that was not effective?

Answering machine …just for fun

Brain break Crossing your body

Looking at framework samples Check out the three samples and talk as a group about the differences. You can create your own framework that is useful for your lessons. (check my rubric for expectations) Your framework should really be done first so that you have a foundation to build on. This way each individual will understand what you are trying to accomplish.

Assignment #2 This assignment will include three parts: Group presentation on the Planning Framework 20% Individual presentation 10% 3-4 Individual lesson plans 20%

Planning Framework and unit plan Groups of 3 or 4 Objective: Choose one outcome from grade 1 to 5 curriculum for the group to divide up the indicators to create lesson plans for The series of lessons will create a unit plan.

Expectations As a group – develop a planning framework to present -15 minutes As individuals – develop 3-4 lesson plans using the indicators from the assigned outcome. Presentation 5-7 minutes. At the end of the framework presentation, the individual presentations, the group will have the unit plan ready to hand in. Each lesson needs to have your names clearly marked.

Framework presentation - 15 min. Exemplifies the framework for the whole unit Organized and presented in chart form but explained as a group When individual lessons are organized they should be sequential and complete the unit that covers all of the outcome Topics that you could include in the framework will be presented in the next few weeks. Presentation should be engaging and can be interactive You can use power point or overhead or handouts. Make sure everything is easy to see and is clear. Can use my lap top. You have a maximum of 15 minutes and it will be timed.

Individual lessons Use components of unit plan we have established. Evaluated on: Creativity, Clarity of Indicators, Connectedness to Unit Plan, Student Engagement Indicators and Components of a Unit Plan – see rubric 5-7 minutes each

Individual lessons Your presentation should address: A quick overview of your lessons. What was the most exciting component of your lesson plans? What did you do to instill creativity? How did you create your lessons to instill a healthy classroom environment, link to other subject areas and develop an overall positive health philosophy for students? How did you make sure your assessment a reflection of the indicators you were working on?

Presentation marks **I mark your group presentation. (see rubric) **Your marks for your individual lessons will be both given by your peers and myself. (see peer evaluation) **Each individual in class will be randomly given about 3 presentations to mark. My mark will be one of 4 evaluations which will be averaged for your mark out of 10. **So a total time of 30 - 40 min. per group . Quick set ups and take downs are essential.


Choosing groups and dates Find your group partners and choose an outcome from the curriculum. Come up and write outcome and group names on the sign up sheet. How many groups? Divide by dates and we will assign. We have 6 classes for 310 020 . Nov. 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29 We have 3 classes for 310 020. Nov. 15, 22, 29 Take time to get together with your groups to assign indicators, brainstorm ideas and consider framework components