Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Team Tribune Week 11 Name_________________________#________ Parents Mrs. Scott-Ellis’s Weekly Newsletter Attached to this newsletter you should find the following items: Term 1 Report Card Term 2 goals: Please review, edit, and sign with your student. 2. Week 10 homework * Students self corrected and a rubric was used to give a culminating score. Together Everyone Achieves More! Sophia is MVP Player of the Week Sophia has earned this honor, because of her eagerness to learn new things, take risks, and learn from her mistakes. Sophia puts forth her best effort in everything she does and doesn’t get discouraged when things may not work out like she has planned. Sophia you have all the skills need to be a true champion, thanks for being a super role model! I have reviewed my child’s progress report. ________________________________________________ Parent Signature Questions/Concerns:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Self Assessment Write (Y) for yes, (A) for Almost and (N) for No ____1. I can name the components of soil ____2. I can use area models to solve multiplication problems. ____3. I can read and write decimal numbers to the tenths place ____4. I can explain how soil is made using “order words.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TTM TOP Performers Each student has been asked to set a TTM goal, please note all students should pass at least 5 lessons by the end of November.
ELA Parent Page to Help Prepare for Week 12 (Extension) Dear Family Member: This week our class will be discussing how animals can inspire writers to create stories. We will also be focusing on poetry and poems that include animal characters. Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we’ll be practicing. Word Workout Words to Know: similes and metaphors In this activity, you and your child will use the list words to invent metaphors and similes. Spelling/Phonics: suffixes You will choose a word and spell it aloud without its ending, or suffix. Your child will fill in the letters for the suffix and then spell the whole word correctly. Comprehension: point of view Help your child write a poem. Your child will pick a favorite animal and write a poem by answering questions and filling in blanks. For an extra challenge, try to come up with at least two lines that rhyme. Spelling Words Vocabulary .