Honors AMERICAN HISTORY I Fall 2017 Honors AMERICAN HISTORY I Coach Heck Website: https://www.beaufort.k12.nc.us/schools/washington-high-school/faculty/teachers/heck-alex-social-studies email: aheck@beaufort.k12.nc.us Room: W-112 Welcome! I am looking forward to another great year at WHS! American History I will guide students from the European discovery of the Americas time period through 1877. Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States from the colonial period through 1877. This class is a Graduation requirement. NC Common Exam- 20% of your final grade Quizzes will be given on a weekly basis. . Book work assigned will be done in class & at home. Students will find under my website a link to an online version of the Americans textbook. 3-Ring Binder or loose leaf paper. You don’t need a separate notebook for this class Our Rules: Be prompt. Be prepared. Be positive. Be productive. Be polite. Late Work: Work is due at the beginning of class. Zero credit is awarded for late work. Make Up Work: If absent, you have 5 days to make up missed work. After the 5th day, if work is incomplete, zero credit will be awarded. 1:1 Chromebook Students will be using classroom Chromebooks for daily activities, supplied by me. We will watch multiple historically based videos, documentaries, & clips. The video ratings range from G-PG 13 and may contain re-enactments of wars or war like images. If you don’t not feel comfortable having your child view these types of images please let me know. Classroom readings: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Students must obtain a copy by October or download the free pdf version. I will update my teacher webpage daily, here students can find all the assignments and PowerPoints. You can also email me using the email address above. Cell Phone Policy Please be aware that students in my class will not be allowed to use their cell phones. This means they will be unavailable to text or call you during class. I ask that you respect that as well.. Quiz 25% 35% Tests Classwork Homework 40% Tutoring Monday & Thursday 3:30-4:00