“From Moreland City Council’s point of view – family violence is just one of many reasons we are alarmed by the impact and growth of gambling in our society, and why we are campaigning vigorously against the excesses of the industry. It is why in Moreland, our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan features a commitment to tackle both family violence and gambling harm - a commitment I expect may be strengthened further when we consider the next Health and Wellbeing Plan later this year.” Mayor, Cr Helen Davidson February 2017
EXTRACT: Actions include to: “enhance understanding of the role of problem gambling among the multiplicity of social determinants impacting on community health and wellbeing especially those impacting on disadvantaged and culturally and linguistically diverse communities and the link between problem gambling and family violence”
EXTRACT: “As noted by Dowling 2014 “violence there is now consistent international evidence that gambling problems are associated with intimate partner violence and family violence more broadly The relationships are complex; however, people with gambling problems are more likely than people without gambling problems to be victims and perpetrators of intimate family violence.” Moreland Council is concerned to note emerging evidence of the links between family violence and problem gambling. Improved regulation of gambling in Victoria will reduce the social harm associated with problem gambling and its contribution (among many factors) to the scourge of family violence. The “Enough Pokies” regulatory reforms advocated by Moreland City Council and other Victoria local governments offer an immediate opportunity. Adoption of this modest reform package will enhance consideration of the social impacts of electronic gaming machines in the gaming license application process.”
“. he was controlling, he was violent – um lots of mind games “ .. he was controlling, he was violent – um lots of mind games... to a point where you're told you're worthless… you're an oxygen thief – just as well your daughter died because you wouldn't have made a good mum …I didn't want to be at home … He tried to put my head through the door at one stage… then I started thinking, well, bugger this… I need to just find somewhere where it's quiet. …and …at lunch time or on the way home I'd stop and have a go at the pokies. There were lights and noises and just this environment of you didn't know what time it was, where it was, it was just, you and the machine.. it takes you away from reality…” Problem gamblers are the backbone of the pokies industry. And though somewhat challenged by new gambling forms, the pokies are still the backbone of the gambling industry. Data from incidental findings from the Gambling in Suburban Australia study Dr Angela Rintoul AIFS