INSTRUCTIONS Welcome and thank you for applying to the 2015 Nestle Brand Building Awards! Deadline for submissions is 12:00 PM Pacific, Monday, October 12th. Initiatives whose activation was largely done between January 2014 to December 2014 are eligible for submission. Initiative must have been launched by Q2 2015. Please save your file as “BBA Submission – [Award Name] – [Brand] – [Project]”. Upload completed file to the appropriate BBA Box folder located here. You must have a Box account. If you are from Nestle Waters OR Purina, you may not have access (despite having/after signing up for a Box account). If this is the case, please email John O’Hara at for access. All sections must be filled out. Submissions will be judged based on the criteria described in submission guidelines for each award category. No supplemental material / extra slides are permitted or the submission is disqualified. Keep it clear and concise – our judges will be reviewing a lot of material.
Program Description Brand/Operating Company One sentence description Date Total budget (split by working and non-working) Team member names – up to 5 Nestle members including Directors, Managers, Associates and 1 agency
Business Challenge
Key Consumer Insight
Program Strategy & Tactics
Creative Creative not to exceed this one slide May include a wrap-up video/audio or multiple videos/audio files not to cumulatively exceed 3 minutes
Results & Rationale Examples include: ROI Brand Lift Exceeding Industry/NUSA Benchmarks Why results are significant What your business lesson can be applied in the future Why your brand should win this award