Supervolcanoes Supervolcano: Any volcano with an eruption 1,000 times greater than normal volcanoes (VEI 8 or higher) Eruptions can be quiet or explosive Can occur on plate boundaries or on hot spots
Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI)
Supervolcano Cover huge areas with lava and ash Can change weather and climate Ex: start a new ice age, cause extinctions
Yellowstone Caldera Yellowstone is a “caldera volcano” or “megacaldera” no volcanic mountain, just a giant caldera!
Yellowstone When will Yellowstone blow?!?! Earthquakes have become more recent, land is rising But these warning signs are subsiding Scientists think Yellowstone will blow “geologically” very soon, but not in the immediate future on a human time scale
Long Valley, California Showing warning signs, rising earth, gases seeping, more earthquakes Last eruption 760,000 years ago, caldera floor dropped a mile and ash reached Nebraska!
Valles Caldera, New Mexico Last erupted 1.2 million years ago Lots of geothermal springs in area
Lake Toba, Indonesia Bigger than Yellowstone! Largest known explosive eruption on Earth in last 25 million years Created a volcanic winter that might have wiped out humans in area 70,000 years ago
Lake Taupo, New Zealand Latest large super-eruption 26,000 years ago, may have contributed to most recent Ice Age Smaller, “normal” eruption 2,000 years ago Lots of geothermal activity
Aira Caldera, Japan 22,000 years ago blew out a chunk of coastline and formed Kagoshima Bay Lots of earthquakes still today!