Are you making the most of Open Access? Helen Dobson Research Services Librarian
If not, why not? Time Cost Confusion Concern about OA licences Just for articles?
Green Open Access Gold Open Access Free to read in the journal Free to re-use (CC-BY licence) Green Open Access Free to read via repository Free to read specified version after embargo
Green Open Access Author Accepted Manuscript
Gold Open Access $3300
Do you think about Open Access options when choosing a journal?
Does your funder require Open Access?
HEFCE Open access criteria (1) Outputs meeting the definition must satisfy all of the following requirements to be treated as open-access. Deposit requirements Output must be deposited in an institutional or subject repository within three months of being accepted for publication. Output must be deposited as the final, peer-reviewed text (as a minimum).
HEFCE Open access criteria (2) Outputs meeting the definition must satisfy all of the following requirements to be treated as open-access. Discovery requirements Output must be discoverable to anyone with an internet connection, and to search engines.
HEFCE Open access criteria (3) Outputs meeting the definition must satisfy all of the following requirements to be treated as open-access. Access requirements Output must allow anyone with internet access to search electronically within the text, read it and download it without charge. The access requirements must be fulfilled as soon as any embargo period has elapsed. Embargo periods should not exceed the following maxima: 12 months for REF main panels A and B 24 months for REF main panels C and D
Does your funder provide funds to pay for Open Access?
Funds available RCUK block grant Charity Open Access Fund (pilot) Library Open Access Fund (pilot)
Open Access? It’s complicated… .
Unfunded researchers
Version of paper
Check Open Access options using Sherpa/RoMEO
Author Accepted Manuscript
RCUK or COAF funded? Check Sherpa/FACT
What kind of rights do you retain when you publish?
Have you published under a Creative Commons licence?
Isn’t Open Access only for research papers?
Why Open Access?
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