ITIS 2110 Class #6 January 30, 2017
Ports (best answer): Are red, sweet and make a good dessert wine Are used to find alternate programs Indicate which program is to use the received data Allow users to access other computers Are not used in Linux 30 30 sec
Things to do Today’s Notes Professional Meeting Bonus Points Labs Reading Lecture
Bonus Points Attend a technical meeting Up to two different groups Write a paper 10 bonus points Up to two different groups CITPG Next Meeting Feb 20 Any technical group Especially any IT group Toastmasters
Labs Important: Only the printed copy is graded Canvas copy Must: Turn in hardcopy Include lab section in cover page Use the lab template! Found on: Include Exit page at end Put a copy into Canvas Write clear, complete and coherent sentences Have an introductory and summary paragraph! Only the printed copy is graded Is how determined if turned in late Canvas copy Only used as backup Corroborates the lab write-up was completed on time
Lab 4 Reread CNI Ch. 5.4 (VLANs) before Lab 4 Managed Switches
Lecture Networks ARP Networks and TCP/IP Part 2 Resume slide 24 ARP Address Resolution Protocol