Let’s Start With A Story
A final and integral are of impact of story telling A final and integral are of impact of story telling . . .is the enhanced vocabulary, intonation, elaboration, and use of voice. Seidel: Research Study at Deer Elementary School
It’s all in the name . . .
Just a name . . . The next slide is optional
Since the most primitive campfires and throughout history, stories have helped teach, influence and bind people together. Seidel: Research Study at Deer Elementary School
Why should teachers use story telling in their classrooms?
Storytelling . . . helps students sharpen their skills of imagination and visualization provides an opportunity for students to listen and develop an appreciation of the range, beauty, and rhythm of language
Approaches to storytelling . . . Adapted Pantomime Stone Soup Stortelling – page 30
Storytelling . . . introduces words in context , which helps them to understand familiar words and increases their vocabulary helps students practice and refine their speaking skills by understanding meaning, drawing inference, and interpreting the information
Approaches to storytelling . . . Puppetry Jack and the Beanstalk Storytelling – page 245
Storytelling helps students improve their listening skills by understanding meaning, drawing inferences, and interpreting information provides an opportunity for students to interact with adults on a personal level
Approaches to storytelling . . . Cutting Story Witch Willora’s Magic Scissors
Storytelling . . . allows students to share opinions and feelings helps students see literature as a reflection of human experiences NCREL, Value of Storytelling Swimmy: Students can take an active role in solving their own problems
Using quality literature
Approaches to storytelling . . . Plays Johnny Appleseed
The Promise
Storytelling requires listening and visualization; key oral language and comprehension competencies and strategies
Approaches to storytelling . . . Poetry “Going Home” Three Sisters
Some final stories . . . the playground
. . . the backpack
Approaches to storytelling . . . Choral Reading “Giggle Poetry”
Questions for Grandparents . . . Starting the Stories Read Aloud Graduation Day Intervention Strategies Ideas great teachers need to use in their classrooms . . . more than story telling.
a final story . . .