From: Why the long face? The importance of vertical image structure for biological “barcodes” underlying face recognition Journal of Vision. 2014;14(8):25. doi:10.1167/14.8.25 Figure Legend: The image on the left depicts Albert Einstein, a scientist many first year psychology students recognize. This image (not used in the study) has a physical aspect ratio of 1.0 (± any printing errors or distortions resulting from the configuration of your display). If you were to view the original image from one side at a horizontal angle of 50°, the aspect ratio of its associated retinal image would be compressed to an extent depicted by the image on the right. Note that in addition to the retinal image compression (in this case, about 64% as wide as it is tall) there would also be a perspective gradient, with regions on the near side corresponding with retinal images 10% larger than matched regions on the far side of the image, assuming central fixation and a viewing distance of 1 m. Date of download: 10/24/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.