GEOSTAT 2 – EFGS Conferences Vienna Paris Building Bridges Suitable, Reliable, Sustainable
Organisational setup EFGS 2015 EFGS 2016 Statistics Austria INSEE BEV Organised by National Statistical Institute Statistics Austria INSEE National Mapping Agency BEV IGN Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs. GEOSTAT 2- project team, EFGS, EUROSTAT
The main topics were Integration of Geography and Statistics Cooperation between NMAs and NSIs INSPIRE, UN-GGIM, UN-SDG Best Practice: National and Global Use Cases Spatial Analysis Earth observation and Big Data Panel Discussion (“building bridges – the way forward”)
Abstracts and presentations Conference material uploaded to the EFGS website: Including a summary report of EFGS2015 Photo galleries: EFGS2015 and EFGS2016
Attendees Number of attendees exceeded expectations! In both cases over 100 attendees Mainly Europe, but from all continents! From statistical community and mapping agencies , various ministries, European stakeholders, research & universities and commercial customers.
News & Lessons learned Lars Backer award 2016 went to Marja Tammilehto-Luode for major contributions to the development of a geospatial foundation for official statistics Organisational To-do-list is continuously updated and passed on to future hosts Further thoughts: What about a scientific committee Parallel sessions Good Luck to future hosts! Ingrid Kaminger Vincent Loonis STAT – EFGS2015 INSEE – EFGS2016