Geometry Assessment
Sort the 3-Dimensional Shapes
3-Dimensional Shape Sort Cylinder Sphere Cube Rectangular Prism Cone
Find pictures or clip art of each shape. Add them to the chart below. 3-Dimensional Shapes Find pictures or clip art of each shape. Add them to the chart below. Cylinder Sphere Cube Rectangular Prism Cone
3-Dimensional Shape Hunt Find examples of each shape at home. List the examples on the chart. Cylinder Sphere Cube Rectangular Prism Cone
3-Dimensional Shape Hunt Find examples of each shape at school. List the examples on the chart. Cylinder Sphere Cube Rectangular Prism Cone
Reflection Which 3-dimensional shapes were easier to find? Why do you think it was easier to find examples of these shapes? Which shapes were the most difficult to find? Why do you think it was harder to find examples of these shapes?