Presented by: Chasity Collier, Aimee Rester, & Chelsea Bailey Inquiry or Not? Presented by: Chasity Collier, Aimee Rester, & Chelsea Bailey (AMSTI USA) Welcome- Introduce presenters
One structure that AMSTI has supported in lesson development is the 5 E Learning Cycle. The reason we appreciate this model is that it ensures that lessons are more inquiry based and student structured. Let’s take some time to revisit the role of the teacher and students in this cycle. (HANDOUT) Pay special attention to the explore as that is what we are going to explore today MATERIALS NEEDED- 5 E Teacher/Student Roles (Handout)
Let’s Explore Ourselves… Integrating Inquiry Based Activities: *Demonstrations *Activities *Teacher Initiated Inquiry *Student Initiated Inquiry In order to learn more about the inquiry process I am asking that you become a student once again. We are now going to focus on describing the activities that take place in a classroom. We want to distinguish between typical activities and those that encourage students to raise questions and pursue the answers to their own questions. In order for this to be a true explore I am asking that you step out of your current comfort zone and enter a science classroom. We will be investigating 3 of the 4 scenarios that teachers often use in their classrooms in order to carry out the explore of a lesson.
Teacher Initiated Inquiry Team 1- Demonstration Team 3- Teacher Initiated Inquiry Team 2- Activity Team 4- Fishbowl ****Divide participants up into groups demonstration, activity, and teacher initiated inquiry, and fishbowl group**** Pass out related packets for explore of lesson MATERIALS NEEDED- Task Cards (Handout), Lab Sheet- ONLY TEAMS 1 & 2 (Handout), Participant Notebook- Team 3, Explore Summary Questions (Handout), Science Process Skills Chart (Handout), Trays, Potatoes, Knife, Clear Straws, Food Coloring, Box of Crayons, Salt, Spoon, Cups, Droppers, Alcohol, Glycerin, Chart Paper, Markers
ALCOS 2- Define mass, volume, and density. Your group will complete an explore portion of a lesson. The teachers purpose in this lesson is to lay the foundation for: ALCOS 2- Define mass, volume, and density. *Relating density to the sinking and floating of an object in a liquid. This is the beginning inquiry lesson and more inquiry lessons will follow this initial one. First your group should complete the lab as stated on your task card. Then we would like for your group to reflect on everything that happened and complete the reflection summary as to what took place during your groups exploration so that you may share with others. Today we will be in a classroom where our teacher is trying to lay the foundation for her unit on density. Read the slide Try to stick with the type of inquiry that you are assigned to make this as real as possible. Fish bowl group should be observing all three groups looking for evidence of teacher role/behavior, student roles/behaviors while recording evidence on their collection sheets
What happened in your groups? Share Time— What happened in your groups? (After all 3 groups have completed the explore, and completed the Explore Summary Questions ask them to make a poster that captures the main ideas of this type of learning in the classroom to share with the other groups.) Groups will share results of their learning outcomes.
Creating a Culture of Inquiry Teacher Behaviors & Attitudes Student Behaviors & Attitudes Learning Outcomes Ask each group to share what they observed for each type of inquiry and ask fishbowl participants to add their thoughts (Share) MATERIALS NEEDED- Participant Notebooks, Chart Paper
STUDENT PARTICIPATION Low/Passive High/ Active Low/Passive STUDENT INITIATED INQUIRIES TEACHER PARTICIPATION TEACHER INITIATED INQUIRIES ACTIVITIES This graphic taken from Inquire Within, by Douglas Llewellyn summarizes the participation level of each learning situation. Most students (and teachers as well) are not ready to begin with full student initiated inquiries at the beginning of the school year. During the first few weeks of school, teachers must set up expectations for classroom management, discipline, classroom routines, and so on. Maintaining an orderly classroom is a prerequisite for inquiry learning. This is especially true for teachers who have students coming to them without prior experiences with this type of learning. For this reason, you can also use this model to serve as a way to plan investigations so that students are gradually but continuously encouraged to take on more responsibility for their own learning. As the year proceeds the teacher should be reflecting and asking him/herself, am I moving my students from teacher dependent to more independent experiences as the year goes on? High/ Active DEMONSTRATIONS
Presented by: Chasity Collier, Aimee Rester, & Chelsea Bailey Inquiry or Not? Presented by: Chasity Collier, Aimee Rester, & Chelsea Bailey (AMSTI USA) Review handouts- research articles- The Many Levels of Inquiry- Next Generation Science Practice Standards- Inquiry Self Assessment Thanks for your coming to our session