Answer on the bottom of your reading sheet Pre-lab questions: Answer on the bottom of your reading sheet How does the density of an object affect its ability to sink into quicksand? What role does viscosity play with an object sinking in quicksand? IDENTIFY AT LEAST 3-5 WORDS AND WRITE THEIR DEFINTIONS ON THE PAPER! WHEN YOU ARE DONE, PLEASE READ YOUR SSR BOOK. YOU HAVE 25 MINUTES TO COMPLETE THIS TASK Post-lab questions: Answer within your notebook Which, if any, of the spheres within your lab would float in quicksand? After completing this lab, would you say that oobleck is more or less dense than quicksand? What evidence do you have to support your claim?
Post-lab questions: Answer within your notebook Which, if any, of the spheres within your lab would float in quicksand? After completing this lab, would you say that oobleck is more or less dense than quicksand? What evidence do you have to support your claim?
Density = mass / volume Problem statement: How does the density of a sphere affect its time to be submerged within quicksand? Determine the density of your objects using the displacement method. Weigh each of the spheres to determine their mass; then, insert each sphere into a graduated cylinder that is half filled with water. Measure the distance the water level increased within the cylinder to determine the volume. Use the following equation to calculate density: Density = mass / volume
Marbles (d=2.5 g/mL) Golf balls (d=1.1 g/mL)