Geometric 900 BCE
Orientalizing 700 BCE
A: borrowing of motifs from Egypt and/or Near East (trade) Q: Why was the 8th century name the “Orientalizing Period”? A: borrowing of motifs from Egypt and/or Near East (trade)
Archaic 550 BCE
Severe 480 BCE
Classical 450 BCE
Late Classical
Late Classical 350 BCE
Hellenistic 250 BCE
Q: What was this krater used for? A: grave marker
Q: What time period is this from? A: Geometric
Q: What is this? A: the meander
A: An actual funeral scene w/o mythological gods or creatures Q: What is being depicted and how is it different from the Egyptians? A: An actual funeral scene w/o mythological gods or creatures
Q: Identify this. A: Mantiklos Apollo
Q: Where AND how do we influences from preceding cultures A: Near East, Egypt, Aegean- wide eyes, surrogate, pinched waist, stylized hair, schematized.
Q: Is this a kore or a kouros?
A: more natural, negative space! Q: How does this kore break from the preceding sculptures. A: more natural, negative space!
A: to show they are alive!!! Q: Why do archaic sculptures have a smile? A: to show they are alive!!!
Q: What characteristics do 6th century korous figures share with Egyptian ones? A: Rigidly frontal pose, left foot forward, arms stiff at sides of body
A: nude, free from stone block, more naturalistic Q: How do the kourous figures differ from Egyptian ones? A: nude, free from stone block, more naturalistic
A: painting with pigmented wax Q: What does encaustic mean? A: painting with pigmented wax
A: garment worn by women, usually tied at the waist Q: What is a peplos? A: garment worn by women, usually tied at the waist
Q: Explain how she is moving more towards naturalism A: hair falls naturally on shoulders, extended arm (now missing), folds in drapery, full cheeks.
Q: Explain what contrapposto is. A: One leg bears the weight while the other is relaxed. An asymmetry is created in the shoulder-hip axis. This is a natural, relaxed body pose.
Q: Which statue shows us the first example of contrapposto? A: Kritios boy
Q: When did the Greeks defeat the Persians? A: 480 BCE Q: What happened to the Greeks’ mentality as a result? A: ego boost
Q: Who is Pericles and why is he important? A: Assumed power in Athens, major patron for the arts, literature, and education. (corrupt)
A: 1. clay model 2. pressed into a mold 3. lined w/ partially with wax Q: Explain the lost-wax process. A: 1. clay model 2. pressed into a mold 3. lined w/ partially with wax