Non-aligned code P1.0 is toggled at program start and used for scope trigger to indicate program start P1.0 toggles 4 times during for loop with 0,5s delay D1s loop consists of 2 loops 1st loop is executed 541k times (2 flash access cycles) 2nd loop is executed 458k times (3 flash access cycles) 4 x 0,5s loop consists of 2 loops 1st loop is executed 41k times (3 flash access cycles) 2nd loop is executed 458k times (4 flash access cycles)
Aligned code P1.0 is toggled at program start and used for scope trigger to indicate program start P1.0 toggles 4 times during for loop with 0,5s delay 1s loop still show same current consumption 4 x 0,5s loops are now on the same level as the 1s loop because they are also aligned on 32 bit now