RI.xx.1-3 Key Ideas and Details Std. 9-10 11-12 Key Differences 1 Cite evidence for literal meaning inferences drawn ambiguity 11-12: introduce idea of and identify ambiguity 2 Main/central/guiding idea of a text Analyze development via details Summarize text objectively Main ideas of a text Complex analysis of interaction of main ideas 11-12: more than one main idea interaction of main ideas "complex" analysis 3 Analyze organization introduction and development of points connections among points Analyze interaction and development of textual components focus on how components of text interact with one another, not just how they connect or are related
RI.xx.4-6 Craft and Structure Std. 9-10 11-12 Key Differences 4. determine word meanings: (literal), figurative, connotative, technical analyze cumulative impact of diction on meaning & tone same as 9-10 analyze how author "riffs" on key term(s) in a text to convey message see second bullet of each; 11-12 considers changing meanings within the same text 5. analyze organization of support/development in sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions analyze whole work's organization evaluate effectiveness of that organization 9-10 "trains" with small portions; 11-12 applies that to a whole work 6. determine POV or purpose analyze rhetorical choices that reveal/advance it determine POV or purpose in rhetorically exemplary piece analyze efficacy and artistry of rhetoric, style and content also 9-10 is seeing rhetoric at work; 11-12 is appreciating multiple layers of authorial decisions that make it exemplary
RI.xx.7-9 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Std. 9-10 11-12 Key Differences 7 Analyze subject presented in different mediums Analyze which details are emphasized Evaluate and integrate information presented in different mediums for a purpose (solve a problem, address a question) 11-12: Integration of various sources for a specific purpose 8 Outline and evaluate an argument and claims Evaluate reasoning for validity and sufficency Identify fallacies In "seminal" U.S. texts and works of "public advocacy" outline and eval. reasoning apply constitutional principles and legal reasoning eval. premises, purposes, arguments U.S. documents application of constitutional/legal reasoning eval. purpose and, assumptions 9 Analyze "seminal" U.S. documents for related themes and ideas Analyze "foundational" U.S. documents for related themes, purpose, rhetoric 17, 18, 19c documents rhetoric
RI.xx.10 Range of Reading & Text Complexity Std. 9-10 11-12 Key Differences 10 In 9-10 complexity band At end of year, 9th students read works proficiently, with scaffolding as necessary at high end 10th students read proficiently at the high end without scaffolding In 11-12 complexity band 11th students read works proficiently, with scaffolding as necessary at high end 12th students read proficiently at the high end without scaffolding lower grade students read higher level with scaffolding, while higher grade does not need that scaffolding Old lexile range 960-1115 New CCR lexile range 1080-1305 1070-1220 1215-1355 Lexile info from CCSS Documents Appendix A p.8 See Appendix B for Exemplar Texts pp. 9-10 for grades 9-10 pp. 11-13 for grades 11-12 For more information on Lexiles & CCSS http://lexile.com/using-lexile/lexile-measures-and-the-ccssi/ "Find a Book" link allows you to search for books by lexile range, genre, area of interest/topic, fiction/NF, and key word http://lexile.com/fab/