Tri-County Health Department Case Histories John W. Martyny, Ph.D., CIH Tri-County Health Department
Case History #1
Building Characteristics Community college occupied in October, 1986. 1 Building with 3 floors and about 1,000,000 sq.ft. Has had IAQ complaints since it was occupied. Odors, stuffiness, upper respiratory complaints. Complaints have increased as of late.
Complaints are primarily from staff. Building has the following areas: Registration area Teaching areas Automotive and diesel repair areas Veterinary Technician area Print shop area Chemistry laboratories Farm equipment repair area Building layout is a 3 story main building with three 1 story wings.
See large drawing
What steps would you initially take?
Ventilation System Evaluation Visual Inspection Cleanliness Filter Replacement Moisture Damper Functioning
Ventilation Evaluation Results Generally good condition Clean Good filters (return and outside) Fiberglass lining in good condition Moisture Problems Moisture in drain pans Biocide use
What are your conclusions?
Carbon Dioxide Sampling Actually a tracer gas method. Acceptable levels depend upon: population density Outside levels Contamination (CO) Generally accepted levels 1000 ppm 800 ppm
Carbon Dioxide Results Ranged from 340 ppm to 637 ppm in all areas tested. Outside levels were approximately 300 ppm.
Is there a problem?
Complaints Distributed to all staff in the staff room. Concerns: Take home questionnaire 90% return rate Concerns: Congestion and stuffiness - 37% Too hot or cold - 35% Dryness - 44% Eye irritation - 30% Headache - 24%
Comparison Complaint Levels NIOSH HEDGE School Headache 25% 44% 24% Congest. 22% 45% 37% Eye Irrit. 33% 42% 30% Fatigue 26% 46% 28%
Is there a problem? Would you conduct sampling?
Tests Conducted at Building Tracer Gas Testing Bioaerosol Testing Particulate Sampling Comfort Factors
Bioaerosol Results Outside Levels Inside Levels 1200 - 1500 CFU/m3 Mostly Cladosporium Inside Levels ND - 59 CFU/m3 Some Penicillium but low.
Particulate Levels Standards Measurements Meaning of elevated levels None Measurements Outside vs. inside Particle size - PM 2.5 and PM 10 Meaning of elevated levels Poor filtration Bioaerosols Particulate Source
Particulate Results Highest levels in Rm 159 Other Areas Meaning PM 2.5 = 9ug/m3 PM 10 = 14 ug/m3 Other Areas PM 2.5 = 0.5 - 3 ug/m3 PM 10 = 1 - 10 ug/m3 Meaning Activity and Processes
Temperature and Relative Humidity Comfort Levels Stale air Poor air movement Humidity and microbes
Temperature and Humidity Results Temperatures ranged from a mean of 70 degrees to a mean of 76 degrees. Highest levels ranged from 70 to 78 Highest levels in 214 and 159 Chiller operation a problem Humidity levels ranged from 47% to 79%. High humidity can cause microbial problems and comfort problems.
Tracer Gas Sampling Uses of Tracer gas Methodology Decay Studies Migration Studies Methodology Sulfur hexafluoride Injection Results
Tracer Gas Results Rm. 159 air exchange rates. Other Areas Standards 0.76 to 1.1 ACH Lowest in morning Other Areas 1.27 to 1.9 ACH Standards ASHRAE - 15 - 20 cfm/person Actual unknown
Tracer Gas Results Migration Studies vet area studies print shop areas diesel areas
Conclusions Need to clean air handlers, improve drainage, and take out biocides. Improve outside air in some areas. Stop migration of odors. Control temperature and humidity.
Case History #2
Case History #2 The Government Building. Broken water lines due to freezing of Air handlers. Extensive water damage Hot temperatures Moldy odors Visible mold Question: Sample or Not Sample???
Case #2 Airborne Sampling Results Room Total Penicil. Clad. Fungi Sp. Sp. Outside 495 18 272 B 147 36 12 18 A 107 77 41 12 B 122 89 24 30 C 113 2915 2037 7 D 107 259 41 42
Case #2: Bulk Sample Results Bulk sample from one room contained Stachybotrys chartarum. Bulk samples indicated Penicillium and Aspergillus sp. with fungal hyphae.
Questions Was there a bioaerosol problem? Why? Was sampling beneficial?
Lesson Learned Sampling may or may not correctly answer the question. Sampling may not support visual observations. The more samples the better. The variability between samples may be great.
Case #3: Same Place, Different Time What were the results of the remediation? All water damage was repaired. All water damaged material was removed. Ventilation system was repaired and observed. People were moved out of the facility. Should sampling be conducted?
Case #3 Airborne Sampling Results Location Tot. Aspergil. Cladosp. Fungi Sp. Sp. Outside 251 3 150 A127 356 238 53 A113 131 78 36 A117 148 106 A106 18 12 6
Question Was there a bioaerosol problem? Why?
Blank Results 148 Aspergillus sp. 36 Penicillium sp.
Lessons Learned Take lots of blanks. Be sure of media source. Take lots of samples.
Case #4 Institution Prison where workers had hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Workers worked in several areas. Old barn with sever pigeon use. Old slaughter house Potato storage area Sample or not sample?
Case #4 Airborne Sampling Results Location Tot. Penicil. Aspergil. Fungi Sp. Sp. Outside 813 80 Old Barn 1095 100 500 Slaughter 85,760 85,760 House
Question Is there a bioaerosol problem? Where is the problem?
Lessons Learned What you see is not always what is there. Ask lots of questions.