Nathy Dunleavy Barrister-at-Law The Law Library Dublin Recent Public Procurement Cases Public Procurement Litigation Conference 18 October 2017 Nathy Dunleavy Barrister-at-Law The Law Library Dublin
Form of Proceedings BAM PPP v National Roads Authority [2017] IEHC 157 Procurement action cannot be maintained in plenary proceedings; must be brought under Order 84A
Pre-Action Requirements BAM v NTMA [2016] IEHC 546 Regulation 8(4) pre-action letter
Lifting the Automatic Suspension Powerteam v ESB [2016] IEHC 87 Suspension Lifted – Overhead Power Lines Beckman v Beaumont Hospital [2017] IEHC 537 Suspension Lifted – Blood Science Lab
Discovery BAM v NTMA [2015] IECA 246 No special discovery rules in procurement cases Cf. Roche Diagnostics v Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust [2013] EWHC 933
Cross-Examination Somague v TII [2015] IEHC 723 Cross examination of evaluator ordered
Reasons RPS v Kildare County Council [2016] IEHC 113 Criticism of formulaic reasons Forum Connemara v Galway County LCDC [2016] IEHC 493 Court very satisfied with reasons Pending ‘reasons’ cases – e.g. North Kerry Wind Turbine Awareness Group v An Bord Pleanala [2017] IESCDET 102
Late Tenders BAM v NTMA [2016] IEHC 546 6.12pm Proportionality
Principle of Competition Copymoore v Commissioners of Public Works of Ireland [2016] IEHC 709 Minimum turnover criteria; but evidence did not disclose distortion of competition
Discretion in Conducting the Evaluation Somague v TII [2016] IEHC 435 Not a “straighjacket” Case C-6/15 TNS Dimarso NV v Vlaams Gewest “must be able to have some leeway”
A Duty to Negotiate? Somague v TII [2016] IEHC 435 No duty found even where the applicant had the lowest price
Stay on Appeal Forum Connemara v Galway LCDC [2016] IECA 397 No stay on contract being concluded pending appeal