N.T. Teaching on Congregational Cooperation Contributing Churches Contributing Churches Evangel I sm Sponsoring Church Preacher Preacher Phil. 4:15-18; 2:25; 2 Cor. 11:8,9; Acts 11:22-23 Scripture???
N.T. Teaching on Congregational Cooperation Benevolence Contributing Churches Contributing Churches Sponsoring Church Church Church Acts 11:27-30; 1 Cor. 16:1-3; Rom. 15:25,26 2 Cor. 8 & 9 Scripture???
Why “Sponsoring Church” is Unscriptural!!! ~ Not found in Scripture (2 John 9)! ~ Violates Autonomy of each church (1 Pet. 5:1,2)! ~ A Human arrangement! ~ Destroys Independency of each Church!
~ Destroys Equality of each church! ~ Denies the Sufficiency of the local church – Views the local church as a member of the general church!
Whole Equal to Sum of Parts! Local Church Elders Members Work Resources Discipline Worship Sponsoring Church What part can a church surrender to another church and have its whole?
~ Church Cooperation is authorized in the New Testament! ~ But not the “Sponsoring Church” (Centralized) kind! ~ Can a church give all its resources and work to a sponsoring church? Why not? ~ Is it important to follow God’s Pattern on every Subject?