Get out your composition book… If you need a sharpie to write your name on it, they are in a basket on my desk behind my computer. I also recommend writing ‘Chaumont’ on it…so if it gets accidentally left in the school somewhere, it will be brought to my room. I’m also selling some for .50¢
Front Sheet Decorate this page how you wish…
LAB STEPS Turn the page, and on the back of your decorated page, paste/tape in your lab steps. This is a reference for you when completing lab write ups. Not all steps are used for every lab, FYI
CHAUMONT PreAP BIO REFERENCE SHEET This sheet has all the basic info you need for organization in this class. Put this in across from your lab steps
TEST GRADE CHART & TEST GRADE GRAPH My recommendation is to put these two in where you can easily view both at the same time. This will help you keep track of how you do in each unit- which will come in handy when we get close to the big EOC exam.
Bio-Molecules Table of Contents (T.O.C.) We will have a separate TOC for each Unit. Each TOC will have a titled tab Use a sharpie to write ‘Ecology’ on your tab. Put your tab on the page you will be making your TOC. Make sure you can see BioMolecules from the front of the book. You might want to secure it with a piece of tape as well.
Bio-Molecules Table of Contents (T.O.C.) Set up your TOC page like the picture. I have rulers by the ‘What’d I Miss’ wall. The columns left to right read: Page Item Date Grade
Bio-Molecules Table of Contents (T.O.C.) You have three entries to write in your TOC
Bio-Molecule Objectives Turn the page Put the page # in a corner Fold your and paste/tape it on page 1.
pH Notes Across from your objectives, make page 2 and paste/tape in your pH notes from Wednesday.
Intro to Bio-Molecules Notes Turn the page, make a page 3, and fold and paste in your Intro to Bio-Molecules notes from yesterday.
Other important information You will receive a comp book grade each six weeks. I will also grade your lab reports separately from the comp book grade. I will keep a running table of contents at the front of the room to help you organized. We use these almost DAILY. I will warn you when I will be grading them ahead of time. WHEN FINISHED, PUT YOUR COMP. BOOK IN THE CLASS BIN AND WORK ON YOUR READING/RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT!