Theme 3.4- Identify and analyze recurring themes (e.g. the value of bravery, loyalty, and friendship; the effects of loneliness) across works
Essential Question What is theme? Theme is ________.
Essential Question Does every story have a theme? Every story (does/does not) have a theme.
Essential Question What are universal themes? Universal themes are _________?
Essential Question How do you find theme? You find theme by ___________?
Essential Question Can you classify similar themes that reoccur in different stories? You (can/can not) classify similar themes that reoccur in different stories.
Essential Question How would a reader discover the theme of a story? A reader would discover the theme of a story by __________.
Essential Question What are the steps I would take to analyze a theme? The steps I would take to analyze a theme are: ______
Essential Vocab Affects Prediction: “We think it means ______________” “We think that because __________” Actual definition: The outcome or end result. What happened because of something else.
Essential Vocab Theme Prediction: “We think it means ______________” “We think that because __________” Actual meaning: An insight or truth about life. The authors message to the reader.
Essential Vocab Value Prediction: “We think it means ______________” “We think that because __________” Actual Meaning: Worth (to you), what something stands for, priority or importance (to you).
Essential Vocab Literary works Prediction: “We think it means ______________” “We think that because __________” Actual meaning: Different types of literature: books, novels, short stories, poems.
Essential Vocab Universal Prediction: “We think it means ______________” “We think that because __________” Actual meaning: Something understood worldwide or for everyone.
Essential Vocab Recurring Prediction: “We think it means ______________” “We think that because __________” Actual meaning: To happen or show up again, repeatedly
Essential Vocab Loyalty Prediction: “We think it means ______________” “We think that because __________” Actual meaning: Being faithful or committed in behavior
Theme What is theme? Meaning or message in a work of literature Insight about life revealed in story/poem (works) Important discovery or revelation about life Similar themes reoccur in different stories
Discovering theme In most stories, the author does not directly state the theme. Instead the reader must think about the characters and plot to infer (figure out) the theme. Decide what a character has learned or how has changed Sharing a character’s experience In dialogue In thoughts and action of main characters Clues in the title How does the reader infer (figure out) the theme of a story/poem?
Importance of Theme Why is theme important? Remember: Theme makes a work more meaningful Author wants reader to discover the theme which is why theme is not directly stated. Understand author’s point/main idea Theme is stated in a sentence, not a word.
Review What is theme? Why is theme important? Theme is _______________. Why is theme important? Theme is important because ____________. How do you infer the theme? I can infer theme by ________________.
Theme Any literary work can be classified into one of four “universal themes” A literary works may have the same theme but with a different messages from the author. What are the 4 universal themes? Love Hate Death Good vs. Evil
Universal Themes After the reader decides what the universal theme is the next step is to determine the author’s message The message is written as a theme sentence. Example: LOVE = The beauty of love between a mother and daughter.
Theme The following are examples of Theme Sentences: Family comes before friends. (LOVE) Revenge is the seed to evil. (HATE) Death is tragic, but can make an individual appreciate life. (DEATH) Good triumphs over evil. (GOOD vs. EVIL)