Online Registration Insurance Broker
Click on the Register Icon to start the registration process
Fill out the form, choose Insurance Broker and press the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
on “Submit” to continue with the enrollment process Fill out the rest of the information needed to start the enrollment process. Click on “Submit” to continue with the enrollment process
Fill out your company details and scroll down, to complete the rest of the form.
Click on the next category to continue (On the left of your screen). Previous categories get market as completed. Click on your name, in the contacts list
The only information still needed is the Title The only information still needed is the Title. Please fill this in and click the “Submit” button.
Next you add/link the Contractors whose GIT you wish to manage on the system.
Fill in the FULL Company Registration No and optionally part of the Company Name to link the specific Contractor.
Then click the enroll button to complete the process.
to log on and start using the system As soon as Sizanani received the necessary documents and confirmed your registration, they will approve you to use the system. Then you will be able to log on and start using the system